Retired Director, APHGA
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Mary Ann Pomeroy (1839-1882), Mary Ann Coe’s granddaughter
and namesake. In 1865, she married Sergeant
Merrick Collins Smith in Sandusky, OH.
Editor’s note:
Readers of our blog may recall the November 2011 post about Nancy Maliwesky’s research into the elusive story of Mary Ann Coe Pomeroy. You can read (or reread) it here. Nancy completed the draft of a publication prior to her retirement, although unanswered questions remained about parts of Mary Ann’s life story. Hoping our readers may be able to help fill in some of these gaps - and knowing you'll find it as fascinating as we do - we’re presenting Running Barefoot as a weekly series. We welcome your comments, suggestions and insight! Please feel free to share this blog with others who may be interested.
Readers of our blog may recall the November 2011 post about Nancy Maliwesky’s research into the elusive story of Mary Ann Coe Pomeroy. You can read (or reread) it here. Nancy completed the draft of a publication prior to her retirement, although unanswered questions remained about parts of Mary Ann’s life story. Hoping our readers may be able to help fill in some of these gaps - and knowing you'll find it as fascinating as we do - we’re presenting Running Barefoot as a weekly series. We welcome your comments, suggestions and insight! Please feel free to share this blog with others who may be interested.
– Susan Hughes, Director, APHGA
A brief overview of Mary Ann’s story:
A brief overview of Mary Ann’s story:
- Born in 1790 in Ballstown (now Ballston), NY, Mary Ann moved with her parents to Pompey, NY where she married Spencer Pomeroy in March 1807.
- In August 1807, Mary Ann and Spenser’s first child, Francis W., was born. Their second child Edwin was born in October 1809.
- Mary Ann had moved to Norwalk, OH by 1823, presumable with her 2 sons.
- In May 1827, Mary Ann petitioned the court in Norwalk, OH for a divorce from Spencer. The petition was not approved.
- Mary Ann and husband(?) Benjamin Junkins lived in Norwalk until his death in June 1830. Mary Ann was named administrator of Benjamin’s estate.
- Spencer Pomeroy died in Pompey, NY in May 1833. Mary Ann married David Powers (brother-in-law of President Millard Fillmore) that same month.
- Mary Ann’s divorce from Spencer was filed in the Ohio courts in August 1834.
- Mary Ann and David moved to Sandusky, OH where Mary Ann died of cholera in 1854. She was buried in the Cholera Cemetery.
Genealogical research has changed significantly since I created my first family tree twenty odd years ago. That hobby quickly turned into an obsession and later into a job, working for the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association and Bill Pomeroy. I could never have imagined what this diversion would bring to me, and how my life would change because of it. If there is a genetic predisposition to genealogical interest, then I sincerely thank my ancestors!
One of the most fascinating and relatively new genealogical tools that I’ve become involved with is DNA research. I consider myself a novice in this field, and have relied heavily on several gracious experts for help understanding the meanings behind these tests. A good friend, and DNA expert, Blaine Bettinger, told me once that there are now two types of ancestry – your genealogical ancestry and your genetic ancestry. Well, this has certainly turned out to be the case in doing research into Bill’s family.
This is the story of Bill Pomeroy's search to find the break in his genetic lineage. Having extensively researched his Pomeroy line and being able to trace his lineage back to Eltweed Pomeroy who emigrated from England to the British Colonies in America about 1631, Bill was one of the early participants of the Pomeroy YDNA study. As the first participant with a documented lineage back to Eltweed, his YDNA profile was identified as the Eltweed strain. When other documented Eltweed descendants later participated in the study, an unexpected result occurred. While the other Eltweed descendants matched each other genetically, none matched Bill’s profile. In fact, other than Bill’s cousins, Bill has had no Pomeroy matches at all.
Where did the break in the DNA originate? A YDNA test of a descendant of Pliny Pomeroy, Jr. matches with other Eltweed Pomeroy descendants. Was the break with Spencer? Was Spencer adopted? It seems unlikely because he was a twin. Can we test a descendant of Spencer's twin Charlotte to see if that person matches with Bill by using the new autosomal test available through FamilyTree Finder? We know of a direct descendant of Charlotte. Can we find her and pay for the test? As descendants of Spencer and Charlotte, if she matches Bill would that mean that both Spencer and Charlotte were adopted? If she does not match Bill, would we need to find another Pliny descendant to take the autosomal test to see if the descendant of Charlotte matches the descendant of Pliny Jr.? If they match, does that mean that the break in the line happened with Spencer and/or his descendants?
Why does Mary Ann so fascinate me? Perhaps because she seemingly followed her own path and did not see fit to live within the accepted morals of the day. I think we all like to believe that we live that way; I certainly do, to a point. Are we looking at Mary Ann from the context of the time period in which she lived, or are we assigning present day standards and morals to her life choices? It’s difficult to do otherwise, as we have so very little insight into what Mary Ann thought of her own life. The evidence of Mary Ann's life and life decisions are almost all second hand, not her opinion of herself. These come from legal documents, mentions of her in letters and journals, newspapers, etc. We have only found two letters written by Mary Ann, in her own handwriting. The first, dated 14 Aug 1849, was written to her sister-in-law, Abigail Powers Fillmore, in Buffalo, New York. Abigail was the wife of Millard Fillmore, then Vice President of the United States of America:
One of the most fascinating and relatively new genealogical tools that I’ve become involved with is DNA research. I consider myself a novice in this field, and have relied heavily on several gracious experts for help understanding the meanings behind these tests. A good friend, and DNA expert, Blaine Bettinger, told me once that there are now two types of ancestry – your genealogical ancestry and your genetic ancestry. Well, this has certainly turned out to be the case in doing research into Bill’s family.
This is the story of Bill Pomeroy's search to find the break in his genetic lineage. Having extensively researched his Pomeroy line and being able to trace his lineage back to Eltweed Pomeroy who emigrated from England to the British Colonies in America about 1631, Bill was one of the early participants of the Pomeroy YDNA study. As the first participant with a documented lineage back to Eltweed, his YDNA profile was identified as the Eltweed strain. When other documented Eltweed descendants later participated in the study, an unexpected result occurred. While the other Eltweed descendants matched each other genetically, none matched Bill’s profile. In fact, other than Bill’s cousins, Bill has had no Pomeroy matches at all.
Where did the break in the DNA originate? A YDNA test of a descendant of Pliny Pomeroy, Jr. matches with other Eltweed Pomeroy descendants. Was the break with Spencer? Was Spencer adopted? It seems unlikely because he was a twin. Can we test a descendant of Spencer's twin Charlotte to see if that person matches with Bill by using the new autosomal test available through FamilyTree Finder? We know of a direct descendant of Charlotte. Can we find her and pay for the test? As descendants of Spencer and Charlotte, if she matches Bill would that mean that both Spencer and Charlotte were adopted? If she does not match Bill, would we need to find another Pliny descendant to take the autosomal test to see if the descendant of Charlotte matches the descendant of Pliny Jr.? If they match, does that mean that the break in the line happened with Spencer and/or his descendants?
Why does Mary Ann so fascinate me? Perhaps because she seemingly followed her own path and did not see fit to live within the accepted morals of the day. I think we all like to believe that we live that way; I certainly do, to a point. Are we looking at Mary Ann from the context of the time period in which she lived, or are we assigning present day standards and morals to her life choices? It’s difficult to do otherwise, as we have so very little insight into what Mary Ann thought of her own life. The evidence of Mary Ann's life and life decisions are almost all second hand, not her opinion of herself. These come from legal documents, mentions of her in letters and journals, newspapers, etc. We have only found two letters written by Mary Ann, in her own handwriting. The first, dated 14 Aug 1849, was written to her sister-in-law, Abigail Powers Fillmore, in Buffalo, New York. Abigail was the wife of Millard Fillmore, then Vice President of the United States of America:
"Dear Sister
We received your letter this morning Saying you Should look for us on Tuesday, but your Brother was Brought so low that he thinks he is not sufficiently Strong to undertake the journey yet, Doct Morton thinks he would hardly bear the journey without a relapse although he is gaining as fast as can reasonably be expected, he has a good appetite lives mostly on kin [?] & milck Tea & soda crackers all light food he rides in an easy carriage every day, but he has got to be extremely careful for Some time & nursed with tenderness or he will Sink under it, but rest assured he has all that, he thinks We Shall certainly visit you before the five of Oct his business in the Post Office is somewhat deranged in consequence of his Clerks being sick but they have returned & we hope they will discharge the duty of the Office until he is able to assiste them – my hired Girl left me the day after Mr. Powers was taken Sick & one of my Neighbours has kindly let me have one of her Daughters for a Short time I wish we could get a good Dutch girl that would stay as long as we wanted to hire * Mr. Powers has three Clerks in the Office & it makes us quite a family – Mr. Powers is in the bed and Sarah is reading to him do you not think of visiting us this fall we Should be truly glad to See you. I am happy to Say the Cholera nearly left our City I have heard of only one case today, we are sorry to learn that Mary is no better our love to all we remain
Yours sincerely
Mary Ann Powers
Note please write soon
[in left gutter:] *can one be procured in Buffalo”
The second letter, undated, was also written to her sister-in-law, Abigail Powers Fillmore:
A few clues in the letter help us to fix an approximate date. First, Orpha, daughter of Cyrus Powers, the brother of David Powers and Abigail Powers Fillmore, lost her husband, Cephas Leland on 8 Sep 1850 in Milwaukee, WI. Secondly, sister Mary Powers died at David and Mary Ann’s home on 24 Feb 1851.
How did Mary Ann make the decision to leave her husband Spencer? Who were her friends, who did she consult with? How did she earn a living? In one of David Powers’ letters to his sister Abigail, he mentions that Mary Ann is sewing. Mary Ann’s son, Francis W. Pomeroy, would in later life own a sewing machine store and repair shop.
Life in Ballstown, NY
Life in Pompey, NY
“Dear Friends
Sister Mary received your kind Letter & was glad to hear from you (as we all were.) She was much grieved at Orphas affliction for the loss of her Dear Husband She Says I must Say to you that She is no worse now Than before She left Buffalo, She was verry tired & it took a week before She got rested but now is about as usual, She Suffers much with pain & is verry patient – She wishes you would send the Castors to her Bedstead, & her window Curtain – She wants you to write again before you leave Buffalo – She is quite at home & Contented but Wants to hear from Orpha again – Margaret is verry kind and attentive to all her wants she wishes to say to her friends that she is well & contented She likes Sandusky well Mary She was glad that Abigail wrote & sends her best love to you all we hope we shall hear from you after when you get to your new home – Sarah wishes me to write a few lines for her –
Dear Abbie I was very glad to hear from you I often think of the pleasant hours I Spent at Your house * the kindnesses I received from your Mother & you, I Shall Long Cherish your Love and kindness to me I She wishes I She could hear you play & Powers Sing"
Fare Well Dear Friends
Sarah Powers | M A Powers”
A few clues in the letter help us to fix an approximate date. First, Orpha, daughter of Cyrus Powers, the brother of David Powers and Abigail Powers Fillmore, lost her husband, Cephas Leland on 8 Sep 1850 in Milwaukee, WI. Secondly, sister Mary Powers died at David and Mary Ann’s home on 24 Feb 1851.
How did Mary Ann make the decision to leave her husband Spencer? Who were her friends, who did she consult with? How did she earn a living? In one of David Powers’ letters to his sister Abigail, he mentions that Mary Ann is sewing. Mary Ann’s son, Francis W. Pomeroy, would in later life own a sewing machine store and repair shop.
Childhood – parents and siblings of Mary Ann
Ithamar Coe was a God-fearing
man. Born in Durham, Connecticut on 10
Sep 1755, the first child of Aaron Coe and his wife Phebe Parsons, he was likely
named after his mother's father, Ithamar Parsons. Ithamar was baptized four days after his
birth at the Congregational Church in Durham[i]. Aaron and Phebe would later have two other
children, a daughter who was perhaps stillborn (born and died 24 Apr 1762) and
a son they named Aaron Coe, Jr, born 17 Aug 1766[ii]. Aaron Sr., born in Middletown, Middlesex
County, Connecticut 16 Feb 1730/31[iii]
probably joined his uncles Robert and Joseph Coe, who were listed as two of the
original 34 patentees of the town, and who were living in Durham by 1708.
Listed among the early settlers of
Granville, Massachusetts, who emigrated from Durham, Connecticut are (according
to an article in the New England Magazine, March 1899, entitled The Old Granville, (Massachusetts) and the
New, by Francis Wayland Shepardson) “Timothy, Noah, Daniel and Phineas
Robinson, Ebenezer and Daniel Curtiss, Samuel Coe, David, Daniel and Levi
Parsons.” Aaron Coe was listed as one of
the original settlers of Granville, (which lay 51 miles North-Northwest of
Durham, Connecticut), according to the book Our
County and Its People, A History of Hampden County, Massachusetts, Vol III, and
is found in the Deed books of Hampshire County, buying and selling land as
early as 1761, although the daughter born to Aaron and his wife Phebe is
identified as born in 1762 in Durham, CT, as is Aaron, born in 1766. The book Robert
Coe, Puritan states that Aaron moved his family to Granville in the spring
of 1774. Aaron’s wife Phebe died in
1774 in Granville[iv],
so it would appear that either Phebe gave birth to her children in possibly the
home of her parents, or the family was living in Durham at the time, and moved
to Granville between 1766 and 1774. From
research done regarding son Ithamar Coe’s livelihood it appears that he was an
orchardist[v]. We wonder whether his father was also an
orchardist. This may explain why he
bought property several years before he moved onto it, as he was waiting for
the apple trees to mature and bear fruit.
It would appear that all of Aaron’s siblings who reached maturity moved
to Granville, MA, with the exception of the oldest child, Ephraim, who stayed
in Durham, CT[vi].
Aaron married a second time to Mary
Seward, daughter of Ebenezer Seward and his wife Mary Henderson. Mary Seward was born 14 Mar 1750 in Granville
and was twenty-five years old when she married Aaron on 4 Jan 1776. The couple had at least five children,
Calvin, Luther, Alvin, Chester and Seymour[vii]. It is likely that Aaron and Mary had daughters but
we have no record of them. The book Vital
Records of Granville Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston; 1914) lists
only two of Aaron’s sons: Chester and Seymour.
Chester is identified as the son of Capt. Coe, and Seymour the son of
Deacon Aaron Coe. As the Deacon of the
Church it would seem likely that Aaron’s children were all baptized. According to the 1790 US Federal
Census there were three free white females living in Deacon Aaron Coe's
household[viii]. One was probably his wife Mary. Who were the other two females?
Ithamar grew up in a time of
enormous change when a group of disparate colonies united for the purpose of
forming a nation independent of the reign of monarchy. Ithamar's father was a soldier of the
Revolution, having served as captain in the fifth company of John Moseley's
third regiment of Hampshire militia. Ithamar also joined the cause of the
revolution, and served in Captain William Cooley's company of John Moseley's
regiment of Hampshire County militia in 1776 and 1777[ix]. Joseph Coe (Aaron’s first cousin, once
removed) also served in this regiment from July 9th through July 30th,
1777[x]. Ithamar later served in the Wright’s Company
of the Fourth Regiment of the Continental Army from April 1779 to 1780, under
Colonel William Shepard[xi]. It would appear that father and son fought in
the same regiment. Some sources identify
Captain Aaron Coe Jr. as the soldier who fought in the same regiment as his
brother but it seems unlikely that
Aaron Jr, at such a young age (10) would have been a soldier, I believe it is
more likely that the Aaron Coe who was a Captain of John Moseley's Company was
the father, not the son.
Ithamar was stationed in “Camp
Orange” in Tappan, Orange County, New York, where he wrote a letter to his
father on 11 Aug 1780[xii]. According to the book “Robert Coe, Puritan”
by J, Gardner Bartlett, Ithamar removed to Ballstown, NY in 1783. It was here that he met his future wife,
Sarah Ball, the eldest child of Major Lebbeus Ball and Thankful Stow, and niece
of Sarah Ball, who married Joseph Coe, son of Josiah, Aaron Coe’s cousin. Lebbeus Ball, also of Granville, MA, had a
long career as a soldier of the revolution.
His service included battles of Valley Forge and the Brury Guard in New
York City. In 1782 he served in Colonel
Moseley's regiment where he may have served with both Aaron and Ithamar Coe[xiii]. It is likely that Ithamar met Sarah in
On 28 Jul 1783 Ithamar purchased
one acre of land in Granville, from John Doney for £4[xiv]. This property bounded on Recompense Miller's
land, a mill pond and a 'highway'. Why
would he have bought property only to move soon afterwards? In 1784 he deeded land to Titus Hubbard, was
this the one acre he had purchased in July 1783?
According to the book Centennial History of the Village of
Ballston Spa, “The “District of Ballstown” first embraced the present towns
of Ballston, Milton, Charlton, Galway, Providence, Edinburgh, and part of Greenfield. It was christened after the Rev. Eliphalet
Ball, who, with a colony of his old parishioners from Bedford, in Westchester
County, settled near the outlet of Long Lake in the year 1770. It was first called Ball-Town then
Balls-Town, and finally Ballston.... The close of the [Revolutionary] war was
the signal for a large immigration into the county from New England. The long contest had impoverished the land,
and families who had, in the good old colonial times enjoyed a competence and
comparative wealth, now found themselves reduced to poverty as the price of
their political independence.”
Ithamar and wife Sarah lived in
Ballstown by 1783 according to Bartlett's Robert Coe, Puritan. In 1787 both Ithamar and Lebbeus Ball,
Ithamar's father-in-law appeared on the tax list for Ballstown, indicating that
both were landowners[xv]. It is likely that Lebbeus was living in
Ballstown prior to this date. Rev.
Eliphalet Ball was a third cousin of Major Lebbeus Ball.
Ithamar and Sarah’s first child, a daughter
named Sally Phoebe Coe, was born 10 May 1784[xvi].
She was baptized 2 Oct 1796 with her siblings at the Paris Religious
Society, in Clinton, NY[xvii].
In 1786 Ithamar Coe was listed as
an ensign in the 9th Company of Light Infantry under Captain Jonathan
Ball[xviii]. Jonathan Ball was the younger brother of
Ithamar's wife Sarah. On 24 Sep 1786
Sarah gave birth to their second child, Martin Oliver Coe, born in Ballstown[xix]. He was baptized with his siblings on 2 Oct
1796 at the Paris Religious Society.
The remaining children of Ithamar
and Sarah are also believed born in Paris.
Leicester Coe was born 13 Sep 1788[xx].
Mary Ann Coe was the fourth child
and second daughter of Ithamar and Sarah Coe.
She was born 8 Jun 1790 in Ballstown[xxi] and
was baptized with older siblings Phoebe and Martin and younger sister Persis
Matilda at the Paris Religious Society on 2 Oct 1796[xxii]. Based on this record it would appear that
Leicester Coe was not living at this time, as it would seem odd that the Coes
would baptize some but not all of their children.
The first census of the newly
formed United States which was conducted in 1790, places Ithamar Coe as head of
household in Ballstown. In that
household are enumerated two free white males of 16 and upwards and two free
white females[xxiii].
Life in Paris, NY
According to the book History of the Town of Paris and the Valley
of Sauquoit Simeon Coe was the first settler of what later became Paris,
Oneida County, NY. Simeon was the second
cousin of Ithamar Coe, being the son of Ensign Seymour Coe and his wife Anna
Morris[xxiv]. Ensign Seymour Coe was the son of John Coe
and Hannah Parsons. John Coe was the
brother of Ephraim Coe, father of Capt. Aaron Coe, Ithamar's father. Seymour
Coe was born in Durham, CT, as was Ithamar.
Ithamar, wife Sarah and their young
family had moved to Paris, N.Y. By 25 Jul 1792 when Ithamar was chosen a
returning trustee of the Paris Religious Society and witnessed the Covenant in
the Court of Common Pleas[xxv]. The other trustees named were: Aaron Simons;
Benjamin Barnes, David Ostrom; Elias Hopkins; Timothy Tuttle; Burden Wilbur,
Joseph Butler and Stephen Barret.
Ithamar was listed as an assessor to the town on 2 Apr 1793[xxvi]. On 7 Jul 1795 Ithamar pledged £3.40 as a
subscriber of the Paris Religious Society to cover the cost of hiring Rev.
Eliphet Steel to preach to the society.
Ithamar and Sarah were admitted to the First Church at Paris Religious
Society on 15 Nov 1795[xxvii].
At the first town meeting held at
the home of Captain Moses Foot on 2 Apr 1793 in Clinton, the following officers
were chosen:
David Ostrom
Clerk: Henry McNeil
Assessors: Joshua Holbert, Joe
Bristol, Daniel Chapman, Benjamin Barnes, Ithamar Coe, Joseph Farwell, and
William Babbitt
Commissioners of Roads: Amos
Kellogg and Simeon Coe[xxviii].
On 14 Feb 1794 Ithamar Coe was on a
committee with Asa Hamlin, James Cowing, Jr., Simeon Hubbard and Solomon
Kellogg that petitioned for legislative action regarding the uncertainty of ten
year land leases in Brothertown.
According to this petition, the area around Paris was fast becoming
settled by whites, with a reported one hundred and fifty families living on two
hundred farms[xxix]. Ithamar had settled on lands bounding those
of Erastus Clark, in Brothertown[xxx].
Although the petition of February
pleaded that the community was unable to build a church or school due to the
uncertainty of their titles, the community, came together to build a church
only five months later. On 14 Jul 1794
Ithamar pledged £6 towards this goal and pledged an additional £2 towards a
steeple as a subscriber to the Paris Religious Society. Ithamar, as a member of the Paris Religious
Society also pledged £3.40 on 7 July 1794, towards the support of a minister,
the Reverend Eliphalet Steele[xxxi].
Meanwhile, Ithamar had purchased
600 acres of land in Pompey, New York from Jeremiah Gould for £360 on 4 May
1795. Ithamar sold 387.5 acres of this
property to Jonas Platt and Erastus Clark for £387, making a hand profit for
one day's work[xxxii]. Erastus Clark was probably Ithamar's neighbor
from Paris. Jonas Platt was also
identified in the deed as being from Herkimer County. On 15 Nov 1795, Ithamar
and wife Salla [sic] were admitted as members of the First Church of Paris
Religious Society[xxxiii].
Ithamar remained active in local
politics in Paris, even though he had purchased land in Pompey. On 4 Nov 1796 he chaired a meeting to select
a committee to promote James Cochran, Esq., as a candidate for Congress. The committee selected in this meeting held
at the house of Joseph Hart consisted of Timothy Tuttle, James Brunson, Joseph
Hart, Thomas Dikin, Abraham Gridley, Stephen Barrett, Caleb Samson, Josiah A.
Whitney, Jesse Curtis, Obed Marsh, Salmon Butler, Timothy Olmsted, and Amaziah
Royce. Erastus Clark was identified as
the Clerk at this meeting[xxxiv]. Also, on 21 Mar 1797 Ithamar was selected a
Justice of the Peace for Herkimer County.
Jonas Platt was identified as the Clerk of the court on this record[xxxv].
Based on collected records that
identify Ithamar Coe as holding office in both Paris and Pompey, it would seem
that he was splitting his time between both communities by 1797. While Ithamar was elected Deacon of the Paris
Religious Society on 3 Jul 1798[xxxvi] and
re-elected Justice of the Peace on 1 Apr 1799 in Oneida County[xxxvii]
(formed from Herkimer County) and was identified as living in Paris, Oneida
Co., NY according to the 1800 US Federal Census[xxxviii]
and on 6 Feb 1801 petitioned the State Legislature to grant a permanent fund
for the Hamilton Oneida Academy[xxxix], he
was also appointed a commissioner of highways in Pompey on 4 Apr 1797[xl], listed
as surveyor of a road on lot 38 in Pompey on 27 Sep 1797[xli], was
listed on the tax assessment rolls of Pompey on 1 Aug 1799 and identified as a
non-resident of Pompey on the tax roll of June 1800, owning 130 acres valued at
$300[xlii]. Ithamar was also paid $12.50 in 1799 for work
done as commissioner of the roads in Pompey[xliii]. On 6 Feb 1801, the same day his name is found
on a petition for the Hamilton Oneida Academy, he sold another 100 acres of his
property on lot 37 in Pompey to his brother-in-law Jonathan Ball for $187.50[xliv]. The Pompey Road book on 23 Apr 1801
identified the southeast corner of Ithamar's property as being near the
Chenango Road[xlv]. In 1801 Ithamar, wife Sarah joined the
Clinton Society church by letter, presumably from the Paris Religious Society[xlvi].
According to the New York State
Business Directory and Gazetteer, published in 1870, Pompey was “said to be the
exact center point of the State.” And
indeed, Pompey was the center of the universe for many who settled there.
The town of Pompey was formed in
1795, a part of New York State's Military Tract. Formerly this land was occupied by the
Onondaga Indians. The Onondaga tribe was
a part of the Iroquois Confederacy. When
the Americans won the Revolution, they needed funds to pay their troops. Having little to no currency, the new
government appropriated land to use in lieu of cash payment for service. New York State “set aside” the Military
tract, for this purpose. The land was
surveyed and divided up into parcels of approximately 600 acres a parcel. This land was given to soldiers who served
from that state. The majority of land
was never settled by New York soldiers, but instead sold to large land
speculators who later resold the land at an often considerable profit.
According to the article “Humbug
and Hardships Mark the History of Oran”, written by Gordon De’Angelo and
published in the Cazenovia Republican 30 June 30 1960, “After the Revolutionary
War the area was divided into Military Townships. Each Town was divided into 100 lots of 600
acres each. Pompey was Township No.
10. Previous to this time Pompey was
part of the Town of Mexico, Herkimer County.
In 1794 the Civil Town of Pompey included Fabius, Tully, Preble, Scott
and parts of the Towns of Spafford, Otisco, Lafayette, Onondaga, Truxton and
Cuyler. In 1803 construction of the Third Great Western (Cherry Valley)
Turnpike started. This road ran from
Cherry Valley in Otsego County through Cazenovia and Oran to Manlius where it
intersected with the Seneca Valley Turnpike (Great Genesee Road). In 1807 the Third Great Western was
“In 1805-1806 Rev. Hugh Wallace
organized the Pleasant Valley Society with Punderson Avery, Jedediah Cleveland
and Joseph Bartholomew as Trustees. In
1807 on the site of the present Oran Cemetery the Society built a Meeting
House. This was the first frame church
in the Town of Pompey and the third church in Onondaga county. The land adjoining the church yard was purchased
as a “burying ground” for $40.00...”
On 4 May 1795 Ithamar Coe purchased
lot 37 in Pompey, containing 600 acres of land from Jeremiah Gould for £360[xlvii]. Ithamar's
father-in-law, Major Lebbeus Ball, was living in Pompey, NY by 28 Nov 1797 when
he purchased 154 acres of land on the southwest corner of lot 29 from Joseph
Although Ithamar purchased property
in Pompey in 1795, it does not appear that he lived there until several years
later. Paris records indicate that he
was living there and quite involved in the community. It is interesting to speculate just why
Ithamar bought this property. Did he
initially purchase the property as a small land speculator himself, with the
sole intent of selling the land for profit?
Did the property situation in Paris convince him to settle on the Pompey
property? We have not found a deed for
the purchase of property in Paris, yet Ithamar was taxed. Did he lease the property from the
Brothertown Indians? If so, where is
this lease?
According to Ballot book records
held at the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office in Syracuse, New York, Isaac Bogart
drew lot number 37. On 10 Dec 1800, lot
37 was awarded to Jeremiah Platt and Edward Clark. The total number of acres was listed at 600,
with the following note: “To three hundred and one half of said lot, and the
residue to Ithamer Coe.”
On 28 Apr 1802 Ithamar was listed
as an inspector of elections in Pompey, New York, along with William Cook, Levi
Jerome and Cyrus Danforth. Levi Jerome
was also identified as the Town Clerk.
Morgan Lewis received 199 votes for Governor, while Aaron Burr received
162 votes. John Brown received 201 votes
for Lieutenant Governor, surpassing Oliver Phelps at 161 votes. In the race for Senator Jedediah Peck
received 165 votes, Henry Huntington 160 votes, Jedediah Sanger 159 votes, and
Moses Kent came in fourth with 158 votes[xlix].
The tax records for Pompey in 1802
show Ithamar being taxed on real property valued at $449 and personal property
valued at $314. His total tax due was
$1.83. Tax assessors were Ozias Burr,
John Bowers and Samuel Hyatt[l].
Ithamar's commitment to his
religion continued to grow. He was a
member of the Susquehannah Association and represented the Association as a
delegate at Reverend Seth Williston's installation as minister of the
Congregational Church of Lisle, in Broome County, New York. The Susquehannah Association was formed that
same day by Reverends Seth Sage, moderator; Joel Chapin, Hugh Wallis, James W.
Woodward, Nathan B. Darrow, scribe of the Council; and Seth Williston. Delegates, including Ithamar Coe, were
Deacons John Tyler of the church at Nine-Partners (now Hartford, Susquehannah
Co., PA); Job Bunnell of the East Church in Chenango, New York; Israel Smith of
Jerico, New York; Sylvanus Seeley of Walton, New York; Samuel Blair, of
Willingborough (now Great Bend, Susquehannah Co., PA); and Eliphalet Rice of
Homer, New York. Ithamar represented the
Congregational Church of Pompey, to which Reverend Hugh Wallis was minister[li].
When Ithamar's near neighbor Josiah
Richardson Bigelow died in December 1802, Ithamar was named one of the
administrators of his estate. Josiah's
widow Sarah and Abel put up $600 bond to become executors of the estate[lii]. When Josiah’s wife Sarah died on 5 Sep 1806[liii], her
son Elisha was bound to Deacon Levi Jerome[liv]. He worked and lived with the Jerome family as
an apprentice until he reached maturity at twenty-one. At eighteen he served in the War of 1812,
stationed in Sacketts Harbor, NY in 1814.
He married as a second wife, Harriet Jerome, a daughter of Deacon Levi
Jerome. Elisha died 24 Feb 1883 in
Batavia, NY where he and Harriet had settled after 1833[lv].
On 1 Mar 1803 elections were held
in Pompey, NY. Levi Jerome as town clerk
recorded the election where Ozias Burr was elected Supervisor, Jeremiah Gould,
Ithamar Coe and Josiah Holbrook elected assessors, Joseph Smith, Esq., George
Caitlin and Ozias Burr, Esq. elected commissioners, Ichabod Lothrop, David
Williams, and William Cook elected overseers of the poor, Chancy Jerome and
Obadaiah Johnson elected constables and William Cook elected collector. Ithamar was also elected appointed overseer
of the roads with
his brother-in-law Jonathan Ball[lvi]. On 1 April 1803 he and wife Sally were
admitted to the First Congregational Church of Pompey, having been received
from the Church of Clinton Settlement[lvii]. He was identified as a Deacon in the church
records of 8 May 1805[lviii].
Ithamar's name appeared on the
Pompey tax list of 1803, with property on lot 37 valued at $345 and personal
property valued at $421. Taxes due on
property were $2.15[lix].
Ithamar’s involvement in local
politics continued in 1804 with his election as pathmaster and election
inspector (with William Cook, Levi Jerome and Cyrus Danforth). He was paid $19.50 by the town for his work
as an assessor in 1804. Other residents
who received money for services to the town were Lemuel Brunch, assessor;
Jacobus Depew, commissioner of roads, Epapht Emmons, surveyor; Cyrus Danforth,
assessor; Asa Wells, surveyor; Joseph Atwell, commissioner; Isaac Hall,
commissioner; Russel Clark, clerk of county elections; James Beebe, clerk of
county elections; Doruslus Blanchard, surveyor; Levi Jerome, Town Clerk;
William Stephens, assessor; Jesse Butler, paid for damages to his property done
by the highway; John Bowen and John Osborn, trustees for building a pound; Ezra
Hart, Thomas Olcott and John Bowers, commissioners to “prise damages for Jesse
Butler”; Abel Bigelow (son of the late Josiah Richardson Bigelow), chain
bearer; Gary Callin as commissioner of roads; Ozius Burr, selling Poormasters
and other business; George King, given bounty for killing a wolf; David Wright,
given a bounty for killing two wolves; Alvin Bacon, surveyor of roads, Ozius
Burr as commissioner; Joseph Smith, surveying lands; Chauncey Jerome (brother
of Levi) and William Cook, constables[lx].
On 11 Oct 1804 Ithamar purchased
100 acres on lot 26 in Pompey from Samuel and Nabby Beebee of New York City for
$1,000[lxi]. He mortgaged part of that property to Samuel
and Nabby Beebee for $346 on 15 Aug 1805.
Apparently the value of land in Pompey was increasing! On 6 May 1805 Ithamar and wife Sally sold 50
acres of their remaining property on lot 37 in Pompey to Isaac Higbee for $400[lxii]. It is likely that the land purchased on lot
26 and the land sold on lot 37 had been improved upon, thus increasing the
value of the property.
When Jonathan Ball, Yeoman,
Ithamar's brother-in-law, who lived in Sullivan, Oneida County, NY on 5 July
1805 sold 103 acres of property on lot 7 in Pompey, NY to George Slocum of Pompey,
Ithamar swore on oath to the identity of Jonathan's wife Lydia[lxiii]. Jonathan and Lydia also sold their property
on lot 37 in 1802 to Timothy Phelps for $1200.00[lxiv].
An interesting mortgage is filed in
the Onondaga County, New York, Clerk’s Office.
It is dated 28 Feb 1806 and is between Ithamar Coe of Pompey, NY and
David Curtiss, of Granville, MA. In the
document, Ithamar Coe mortgages 50 acres of Lot 37, valued at $800 under the
condition that David Curtiss gives to Mary Coe the sum of $80 annually on the 1st
of March, for as long as she lives.
Ithamar’s half-brothers, Chester and Alvin Coe, are witnesses to the
mortgage. We speculate that Mary Coe was
Ithamar’s stepmother (mother of Chester and Alvin), and that David Curtiss is
in some way related to the Coe family (either directly or through
marriage). Mary (Seward) Coe died 3 Jun
1808, and the mortgage was cancelled 21 Jul 1809 “by the oath of Chester
Coe”. This mortgage finally places Alvin
Coe (at least on 28 Feb 1806), in Pompey, NY.
In 1805 Deacon Ithamar Coe was
chosen to represent the First Congregational Church of Pompey at a conference
of the Middle Association[lxv]. On 25
Jun 1806 Ithamar Coe was appointed to assist the pastor of the Pompey
Congregational Church in the catechizing of children along with Deacons Levi
Jerome and Daniel C. Judd[lxvi]. So, not only was Ithamar an elder in the
church but he was also a Sunday school teacher.
One can imagine that Ithamar's religious views were also made evident to
his children at home. Ithamar also
represented the Church in Pompey on 19 May 1807 and in June of that year was
chosen a member of a committee to settle a dispute between the Pompey Church
and the Fabius Church with respect to the infringement on the Pompey Church by
the Fabius Church. The committee was
composed of Reverend Hugh Wallis and Deacons Ithamar Coe, Levi Jerome and Ezra
Hart. Ithamar's association with the
Congressional Church and hierarchy put him in contact with many influential
members of the Church, including Reverend Seth Williston, a distant cousin of
Ithamar's and his soon to be son-in-law Spencer Pomeroy. Reverend Williston was born 4 Apr 1770 in
Suffield, CT to parents Consider and Rhoda (King) Williston[lxvii]. In
an interesting co-incidence, Ithamar, Reverend Hugh Wallis and Reverend Francis
Pomeroy and others attended the ordination of Reverend Levi Parsons in
Marcellus, NY. Reverend Francis Pomeroy
was the cousin of Spencer Pomeroy who had earlier that year married Ithamar's
daughter Mary Ann. Reverend Levi Parsons
was a distant cousin of both Spencer Pomeroy and Ithamar Coe. It was indeed, a very small world. Ithamar, by all indications a very devout
Christian, no doubt had to wrestle with the divide of the Congregational Church
brought about by a growing shift in ideology between the “new light” and the
“old light”. Reverend Hugh Wallis who
founded the First Religious Congregational Society in Pompey in 1800[lxviii] and
the Middle Association in January 1804, became increasingly unpopular amongst
his flock, and was refused pay, eventually leaving his position in the Church
on 26 Dec 1808[lxix]. While Ithamar appeared to be a proponent of
Reverend Hugh Wallis, he did not leave the Church when the Reverend stepped
On 8 Mar 1811, the New York State
Legislature passed an act to “incorporate the Jamesville Iron and Woolen
Factory”. Nicholas Mickles, John Adams,
Jasper Hooper, Thaddeus Patchin, William Hibbard, Gordon Needham, Jacobus De
Puy, Jacob R. De Witt, William Olmsted, Benjamin Sanford, Elijah Owen, Thomas
Littlefield, Matthew Cadwell, Juniar Curtis, Ithamar Coe and Charles B. Bristol
were named the incorporators, having presented their petition to the Legislature
and “representing that they have obtained a suitable situation on Butternut
Creek, in the town of Manlius, in the county of Onondaga, and are desirous of
forming a company for the manufacture of bar-iron and woolen”. Stock in the company was not to exceed
$200,000, and a share of the stock was to be valued at $200.[lxx]
Another act, “to establish a
turnpike corporation for opening and improving a certain road therein
described, within the counties of Onondaga and Courtland” of which the
incorporators where Benjamin Boot, Hezekiah Ketchum, Benjamin Sanford, Jacob R.
De Witt, Jacobus Depuy, Ithamar Coe, Henry Tiffany, Daniel Wood, Samuel S.
Baldwin, Jonathan Stanley, Jr., and John Stockham with others, was passed 9 Apr
1811. The company proposed to make a “good
and sufficient turnpike road, to commence at or near the head boatable waters
of Butternut creek in Manlius, county of Onondaga, thence to run southerly
passing Sinai village, Pompey hill, Kinne’s settlement in Fabius, and to
continue sutherly [sic] till it intersects the fourth great western turnpike at
or near the northeast corner of lot number eighty-seven, in the town of
Truxton”. The incorporators were named
“the President and Directors of the Manlius and Truxton turnpike”. 3,000 shares of stock were issued, valued at
$20 a share. Benjamin Booth, Jacobus
Depuy and Jonathan Stanley, Jr., were appointed commissioners and as such were
allowed to sell and collect money for the stock. The company was also authorized to collect
tolls on the roads[lxxi].
On 1 Jun 1812, an act of
legislation was passed in New York, allowing for a loan to the Jamesville Iron
and Woolen Factory. “Whereas the
president and directors of the Jamesville iron and woolen [sic] factory, in the
county of Onondaga, have presented their petition to the legislature, at the
present session, setting forth in the said petition that they, the said
president and directors have expended large sums of money in the establishment
of their factory, and praying for a loan of money from the state to enable them
to further prosecute the objects thereof: And
whereas, The legislature are disposed to aid the said company in their
under taking: Therefore,
“BE it enacted by the people of the state of New York, represented in
Senate and Assembly, That it shall be the duty of the comptroller to loan
to the president and directors of the Jamesville iron and wollen factory, in
the county of Onondaga, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, out of any money
now being or hereafter to come into the treasury, belonging to the common
school fund: Provided, That the said
president and directors shall, at the time of receiving the sum so to be loaned
to them, give to the comptroller such security for the repayment of the same,
within five years from the date of the said securities, with interest annually
at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, as by the act entitled “an act to
raise a fund for the encouragement of common schools,” passed the second day of
April 1805, is required to be given to the comptroller for the repayment of
loans made by him of money belonging to the said common school fund.”[lxxii] The names of the president and directors are
not listed in the publication cited.
An interesting report in the Journal of the Assembly of the State of New
York, 1818, gives further information about the status of the loan granted
the Jamesville Iron and Woolen Factory, as follows:
“THE Comptroller, in obedience to the resolution of the honorable the Assembly, requiring him to inform the house “whether any of the monies belonging to the School Fund have been loaned on security which has proved to be, or which he has reason to believe, inadequate, and if so, to whom, and at what time, and to what amount, and on what security, and what will be the probable loss of the monies belonging to that fund” respectfully reports:The report goes on to state:
That the following loans of money belonging to the School Fund have been made on security that has proved, or which the Comptroller has reason to believe, inadequate, viz:
Loan to... The Jamesville Iron and Woollen Manufacturing Company, June 11, 1812, $4500.00...” amongst others.
“The loan to the Jamesville iron and woollen manufacturing company, was secured by their mortgage on real estate valued by two reputable freeholders, to be worth, exclusive of buildings, $9000, but the security is now understood to be insufficient. A Mr. Mickles, who is in possession of the mortgaged premises, and who has paid a considerable sum for interest on the loan, has lately communicated, that he wishes to purchase and retain the property, at a fair valuation, but that it is not worth the amount due to the state. He does not give any opinion as to the present value, nor does he state the price he is willing to pay for the property. The attorney General has prosecuted to the foreclosure of the mortgage.”[lxxiii]
We do not know whether Ithamar Coe
was a director of the Jamesville Iron and Woolen Factory in 1818 when the
Attorney General prosecuted the foreclosure of their mortgage, but it is
possible. According to the book Onondaga’s Centennial “Nicholas Mickles
was a noteworthy character in the pioneer history of Onondaga, and was
especially distinguished for his public spirit and benevolence. He
established the famous Onondaga furnace, one of the earliest enterprises of the
kind in this region; and conducted it until his death in August, 1827. It
stood on land now embraced in Elmwood Park. During the war of 1812
Mickles was employed to cast shot and shell for the army and navy, and on one
occasion an order from the Secretary of War demanded that a vessel be
dispatched from Oswego to the furnace to carry away a large quantity of this
necessary ammunition.”[lxxiv]
Very little is known of Mary Ann's
childhood, or that of her siblings. No
school records have been found, but we assume from Ithamar's support of church
and school that his children received an education. We know that Mary Ann could read and write in
later life and expect that she learned this early on. Her siblings were all moderately successful
in adult life. Older sister Sally Phoebe
Coe married Colonel Anson Hungerford 12 Sep 1802 in Clinton, NY. Brother Martin married Clara Hatch 15 Sep
1810 in Pompey. He served as a
lieutenant in the New York militia during the War of 1812. He was involved in the church, and was
president of the Genesee County Bible Society in 1818 (much of the Coe family
had moved from Pompey by then), was a Colonel of the 195th Regiment
of Infantry, New York Militia, was elected trustee of the Presbyterian Church
of LeRoy, New York in 1823 and held local political office.
Younger sister Persis married Dr.
Benjamin Bliss 21 Sep 1817. Their son
Edward would move to Racine, Wisconsin in his twenties. Sister Sophia married William Morgan 28 Oct
1819. William Morgan, a farmer, became a
Deacon of the First Presbyterian Church in LeRoy and would later become a
ruling elder of that same church. He was
also a supervisor of the town of LeRoy.
On 26 Aug 1806 Ithamar gave a
mortgage to Samuel Curry for $124, secured by 143 acres on lot 39. At a time where there wasn't much cash
available, so goods were procured by the barter system, Ithamar was well off enough
to accept the promise money over time, including interest. Samuel Curry would later default on the
mortgage and the land was advertised to be sold at public venue 5 Aug 1809.
A separate book could be written on
the life of Mary Ann's younger brother, Orman Coe. Almost nine years younger than Mary Ann, he
would move with his parents to LeRoy, Genesee County, New York, where he joined
the newly formed First Presbyterian Church in 1829. He married Ruth Jane Rowe 28 Sep 1829. He and Lewis Austin made the first land
entries in the area now known as Burr Oak, Saint Joseph County, Michigan in
1831. He also purchased land in the
present township of Brighton, Livingston County, Michigan in 1833. He purchased additional land in Ingram,
Calhoun and Muskegon Counties in Michigan and La Salle County, Illinois. His was one of six permanent families to
settle in Port Washington, Washington County (later Ozaukee County), Wisconsin
in June of 1844. A farmer by profession
he would become one of the incorporators of the Ozaukee Academy. Orman was also an inventor and exhibited a
rotary harrow at the 1862 World’s Fair in London. Brother Seth Coe died at the age of 18,
week: Part 2 - The Pomeroys Come to Town
William Chauncey Fowler, History of
Dunham, Connecticut, From the First Grant of Land in 1662 to 1866, (Hartford:
Press of Wiley, Waterman and Eaton, 1866) 383
J. Gardner Bartlett, Robert Coe, Puritan:
His Ancestors and Descendants 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, (Boston:
J. Gardner Bartlett, 1911), 136, 198
Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906, FamilySearch Labs online
[], accessed 31 Dec 2008
New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, Vital Records of Granville Massachusetts To the Year 1850, Boston: New England Historic
Genealogical Society, 1914] 188-190
Advertisement, Le Roy Gazette, Le
Roy, N.Y., 8 Nov 1827, P 3, Col. 2
History of Durham, Connecticut, From the
First Grant of Land in 1662 to 1866, 299-303
Robert Coe, Puritan: His Ancestors and
Descendants 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, 136
Dea. Aaron Coe household, 1790 U.S. Census, Granville, Hampshire County,
Massachusetts, Line 16, National Archives microfilm publication M637_4
William Martin Beauchamp, Annual volume
of the Onondaga Historical Association, 1914, (Syracuse: Dehler Press,
Robert Coe, Puritan: His Ancestors and
Descendants, 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, 185-186
Ithamar Coe File (Private, 4th Massachusetts Regiment), Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who
Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, microfilm
publication M881 (Washington: National Archives)
Orman Coe obituary, written by George
Warren Foster, Port Washington, Ozaukee Wisconsin, 20 Mar 1876.
Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Register of Members Records of Revolutionary
Ancestors, (Massachusetts: Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution, 1916) 109
Land Deeds, 1628-1867, Volume 20: P 470, Family History Library, Salt Lake
City, UT
Lynn Calvin, To Gather, Levy, Collect and
Receive, 1779-1789 Tax Lists for the Albany County Districts of Saratoga,
Halfmoon, Stillwater and Ballstown, (Albany, 1995) 2
Robert Coe, Puritan: His Ancestors and
Descendants 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, 198
Royden Woodward Vosburgh, Records of the
Paris Religious Society, in the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York, Oct.
1921, Microfilm Reel 8, end of part 9, copied from film in New York City
June 2001 [New York Genealogical and Biographical Society] 8
Hugh Hastings and Henry Harmon Noble, compilers, Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New
York, 1783-1821, (Albany: State of New York, 1901) 113
LaVerne C. Cooley, Tombstone Inscriptions
from the Abandoned Cemeteries and Farm Burials of Genesee County, (Batavia:
LaVerne C. Cooley, 1952) 115
Robert Coe, Puritan: His Ancestors and
Descendants 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, 198.
Records of the Paris Religious Society,
in the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York, 8
Ithamar Coe household, 1790 U.S. Census, Balls Town, Albany County, New York, p
294 (penned); National Archives microfilm publication M637_6.
Robert Coe, Puritan: His Ancestors and
Descendants 1340-1910 with Notices of Other Coe Families, 100, 133.
Oneida County, New York Deeds 1791-1901, Vol. I, P 166, Family History Library
Film #364856, Salt Lake City, UT
Henry C. Rogers, History of the Town of
Paris, and the Valley of the Sauquoit, Utica: White & Floyd, 1881).
Records of the Paris Religious Society in
the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York, 36
History of the Town of Paris, and the
Valley of the Sauquoit,
W. Deloss Love, Samson Occom and the
Christian Indians of New England, Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1899) 290
To Be Sold, Lot 79 in Brothertown article, Western
Centinel, Whitestown, NY 10 Aug 1796, P 1, Col. 4.
Records of the Paris Religious Society,
in the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York, 36, 48, 92, 103-5
Onondaga County NY Deed Records, Vol A: P 62, Onondaga County Courthouse,
Syracuse, NY 1795
Records of the Paris Religious Society,
in the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York, 36.
At a respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Paris article, Western Centinel, Whitestown, N.Y., 30
Nov 1796, P 4, Col 4.
Clerk’s Office of the County of Herkimer, By Commissions lately received at
this office article, Western Centinel, Whitestown,
N.Y., 24 Mar 1797, P 2, Col. 3.
Records of the Paris Religious Society,
in the Town of Paris, Oneida County, New York.
Guy S. Rix, compiler, History and
Genealogy of the Eastman Family of America, (Concord: Ira C. Evans, 1901),
Ithamar Coe household, 1800 U.S. Census, Paris, Oneida County, New York, P 107;
National Archives microfilm publication 23.
House of Assembly, February 2 article, The
Albany Centinel, Albany, N.Y., 6 Feb 1801, P 2.
Pompey Town Records 1794, Pompey Town
Hall, Clerk’s Office, Pompey, N.Y.
Pompey, Onondaga County, New York, Road
Book, 1794-1819, Pompey Historical Society, Pompey, N.Y.
Tax Assessment Rolls of Real &
Personal Property, 1799-1804, Film #B0950, Reel 12, New York State
Archives, Albany, N.Y.
Onondaga County Board of Supervisors records, 1794-1835, Onondaga Historical
Association, Syracuse, N.Y., [Nic]NY D872-610-0928, Accession # 2002.347 Box
MS2 Manlius & Dewitt.
Onondaga County Deed Records, Volume H: P 264, Onondaga County Clerk’s Office,
Syracuse, N.Y.
Pompey, Onondaga County, New York, Road
Book, 1794-1819, 55.
Mrs. Charles Edward Merritt, compiler, Cemetery,
Church & Town Records, (Utica: Oneida Chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution; 1928-29), FHL Film #1435718, Vol 8, Salt Lake, UT, 32-35.
Onondaga County Deed Records, Book A: P 62, Onondaga County Clerk’s Office,
Syracuse, N.Y.
Onondaga County Deed Records, Book A., P 207-208, Onondaga County Clerk’s
Office, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pompey Town Elections 1799-1871, P
14, 1802, Pompey Town Hall, Clerk’s Office, Pompey, N.Y.
Tax Assessment Rolls of Real &
Personal Property, 1799-1804, Film # B0950, Reel 12, New York State
Archives, Albany, N.Y.
Alonzo H. Quint and Christopher Cushing, editors, The Congregational Quarterly, Vol. XVI – New Series, Vol VI,
(Boston: Alonzo H. Quint & Christopher Cushing, 1874) 286.
Mrs. John Arneson, “Administrators’ Bonds, 1794-1804,” Tree Talks, Vol 5, No 1(March 1965), Central New York Genealogical
Society, 31.
Minnie L. Kellogg, “Cemetery Inscriptions from Pompey Hill, Onondaga County,
N.Y.,” New York Genealogical and
Biographical Register, (Jan 1913); 70
Gilman Bigelow Howe, Genealogy of the
Bigelow Family of America, (Worcester: Charles Hamilton, 1890), 184-185.
Genealogy of the Bigelow Family of
America, 184-185.
Pompey Town Records 1794, Pompey Town
Hall, Clerk’s Office, Pompey, N.Y., 30.
Daughters of the American Revolution, compilers, Church Records from the Town of Pompey, (Albany: Daughters of the
American Revolution, 1931)
Addresses Delivered at the Centennial
Anniversary of the First Congregational Church Pompey, N.Y. June 21st
– 23rd 1896, (Cazenovia: J.A. Loyster, 1896) 4, 12.
Tax Assessment Rolls of Real &
Personal Property, 1799-1804, Film # Bo950, Reel 12, New York State
Archives, Albany, N.Y.
Onondaga County Miscellaneous Records, Volume A: Onondaga County Clerk’s
Office, Syracuse, N.Y.
Onondaga County Deed Book, Book F: P 154-155, Onondaga County Clerk’s Office,
Syracuse, N.Y.
Onondaga County Deed Records, Book H: P 151, Onondaga County Clerk’s Office,
Syracuse, N.Y
Onondaga County Deed Records, Book D: P 412-413, Onondaga County Clerk’s
Office, Syracuse, N.Y.
Onondaga County Deed Records, Book G: P 616-617, Onondaga County Clerk’s
Office, Syracuse, N.Y.
Newton King, compiler, Records for the
First Congregational Church in Pompey 1797-1902, (Syracuse, Self-Published,
2001), from the records of Sylvia Shoebridge, Pompey, N.Y. Town Historian, 8
Ibid, 9
Ibid, 10
History of the Town of Pompey, submitted by Sue Goodfellow, online [!nyonona/POMPEY/BEAUPOMP.HTM],
accessed 4 Jan 2007.
Records for the First Congregational
Church in Pompey, 1797-1902, 11.
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New York, passed at the thirty-fourth session of the Legislature [microform]
begun and held at the city of Albany, the twenty-ninth day of January, 1811 (Albany,
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State of New York, Laws of the state of
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begun and held at the city of Albany, the twenty-ninth day of January, 1811 (Albany,
S. Southwick, printer to the state,1811) 344-345, 2004, Early American
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State of New York, Laws of the state of
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begun and held at the city of Albany, the twenty-eighth day of January, 1812 (Albany,
S. Southwick, printer to the state,1812) 104-105, 2004, Early American
Imprints, Series 2, no. 26279 (filmed), American Antiquarian Society and
NewsBank, Inc.
State of New York, Laws of the state of
New York, passed at the forty-first ...1818 (Albany, J. Buel, printer to
the state,1818) 560-561, 2004, Early American Imprints, Series 2, no. 45043
(filmed), American Antiquarian Society and NewsBank, Inc.
Dwight H. Bruce, Onondaga’s Centennial
Vol I. (Boston, History Co., 1896), 836-866.