The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Several new members have joined the APHGA, each sharing their research for later publication of an updated genealogy of the descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy. Based on our extensive US and Canadian Pomeroy research we also expect to publish books on other large Pomeroy families who are not descended from Eltweed. One large family that settled early on in the colonies is that of Richard Pomeroy, who settled on the Isles of Shoals (then MA, now NH) by 1670. Other Pomeroys connected with that area are Leonard Pomeroy, a merchant in Plymouth, England and a Thomas Pomeroy who was also an early settler of the Isles of Shoals. Nancy, Ed, and several APHGA members are researching these early settlers to identify whether they were related.
One family previously identified by Albert A. Pomeroy in his genealogies “The History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family...” as descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy seem more likely descended from Richard Pomeroy of the Isles of Shoals. This is the family of Benjamin Pomeroy and his wife Anne. According to A.A. Pomeroy, Benjamin was born in 1724, the son of Eldad Pomeroy and Sarah Wait. Benjamin and Anne had at least 4 children: Richard, b. 5 Aug 1750; Deliverance, b. 11 Mar 1753; Anna, b. 14 May 1755 and Margaret, b. 22 May 1758. According to A.A. Pomeroy, Benjamin “settled in Georgetown, Me.”
Other records associated with the history of Maine, identify a Benjamin Pomeroy, born in 1707 in ME who married “Ann” and had at least five children: Benjamin, b. 24 Jan 1741; Richard, b. 5 Aug 1750; Deliverance, b. 17 Mar 1753; Ann, b. 14 Mar 1755 and Margaret b. 22 May 1758. This Benjamin is identified as the son of Richard Pomeroy and Deliverance Berry.
Benjamin, son of Eldad would have been rather young to have been married and to have had a child by 1741. Additional research will be done, including a review of the Church of Christ, Congregational (Northampton, MA) records which were microfilmed and available through the Family History Library. We are hoping to find birth and/or baptismal records for the children of Eldad Pomeroy and Sarah Wait. We are also pursuing a search of early Maine vital and Church records.
We would love to connect with Plymouth, England Pomeroy descendants who may be related to Leonard, Thomas or Richard Pomeroy, to learn more about these families.
Mary Ann identified some new Pomeroy researchers who are descended from William Pomeroy, b. 13 Aug 1801 in NY State, who married Sarah L. Gleason on 31 Mar 1828 in Wayne County, NY. William died in 1866, probably in Van Wert, Van Wert County, New York. Sarah was b. 10 Dec 1808 in Manchester, Ontario Co., NY and died about 1842 in Brantford, Province of Ontario, Canada. She was the daughter of Bazaleel Gleason and Abigail Howland. William and Sarah had at least six children: Henry, b. 10 Nov 1829; Francis Cole, b. 26 Jan 1830; Carlos, b. 16 Feb 1832; Eliza Ann, b. 12 Aug 1834; Clarissa, b. 26 Jan 1836; and Sarah Jane, b. 30 Jul 1839. It is likely that the elder five children were all born in New York, while the youngest, Sarah Jane, was born in Canada.
Other researchers identify this William as the son of Phineas Pomeroy (Phinehas, Medad, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) and Rebecca Sarah Spaulding, but our research leads us to believe that this is unlikely. According to Phineas Pomeroy’s Revolutionary War Pension, his son William was born 29 Jan 1781. We believe that William Pomeroy, son of Phineas, married Polly Yeomans and settled in Roulette, Potter County, Pennsylvania. So, the question remains, who were the parents of William Pomeroy, b. 13 Aug 1801 in NY, who married Sarah L. Gleason? Based on proximity Nancy feels it is possible that William was a son of Rev. Francis Pomeroy (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), but more research needs to be done. Is anyone else researching this family?
Also, has anyone done any research on Ralph Gordon Pomeroy, b. 26 Apr 1893 in Cleveland, OH, resided at 113 South St., in Lockport, Niagara Co., NY on 5 Jun 1918 (WWI Draft Registration). Mary Ann found an obituary in the Chicago Tribune, dated 3 Oct 1918: “Ralph Gordon Pomeroy, aged 26 years, at Marine hospital Oct. 1 [1918] beloved son of Jessie M. Cutler of 4326 Lake Park av. Funeral from chapel at Forest Home cemetery, Thursday at 2 p.m. Services by Landmark lodge, No. 422, A.F. and A.M.”
Is this Ralph the son of Irving L. Pomeroy (Luther, Milton, Titus, Ebenezer, Eldad, Caleb, Eltweed) b. Apr 1868 in Lockwood, d. 13 Feb 1941 in Chicago, who was living with his mother in Lockport in 1900 and 1910, and identified as a widower in the US Federal Census. If so, was Irving divorced, not widowed?
Barb continued her review of Pomeroys found in early newspapers and continued her research of the life of Marcus Mills Pomeroy (Hunt, Hosea, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Eldad, Caleb, Eltweed) for an article she will be writing. She is also continuing to review and transcribe Pomeroys in the 1865 NY State Census – she’s currently reviewing Kings County.
Barb continues to enter Eltweed descendants with missing information into a spreadsheet so we can keep track of what research needs to be done for the upcoming book. Barb has entered over 1500 records so far. Barb will be working with Betty to better identify where research still needs to be done, by family and by place. Barb also attended the Association of Public Historians of New York State Conference in Buffalo, NY this past weekend. If you are doing genealogical research in New York State, you’re lucky. Did you know that in 1919 NY State passed legislation to create officially appointed historians in every town, village, city, borough and county across the state? These historians can be very helpful in researching the communities in which your ancestors lived. For a listing of NY State Historians, check out the APHNYS website at . (Barb can be found in the Lake Ontario Region directory!)
Betty continued her review of Pomeroys in Northampton, MA census records that were previously unmatched. Betty has also been entering early CT vital records from the Barbour Collection. Betty has also been researching female Pomeroys whose married names are identified in these records by collecting census information for these families and entering that information into our databases. Betty has also been working to connect the many Parsons in our database to identify relationships between these people. Betty traced the Joseph Lathrop family. Joseph, b. 23 May 1815 in West Springfield, MA, married Abigail Alexander Pomeroy on 16 Oct 1838. Abigail, b. 16 Sep 1815 in Warwick, MA was the daughter of Medad Pomeroy (Medad, Seth, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and Jerusha Alexander. Betty was able to trace these families through the 1850 to 1870 US Federal Census records. She also researched the James Leander Pomeroy family. James was b. Nov. 1845, in New Gloucester, Cumberland Co., ME, son of Edward Pomeroy (Warham, Enos, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) and Ann A. Rogers. Betty has been able to bring this line forward two generations based on Census record research. James and wife Laura settled in Gloucester, Essex Co., MA. If anyone else is connected with this family, we’d love to compare notes!
Betty also went to the Onondaga County Public Library with Lee and Ed and helped Lee to review and transcribe Pomeroys and collateral lines in the New York State Vital Records index. She and Lee also reviewed the Parsons vertical file at the library. Betty also continued her review and transcription of Pomeroys in the 1865 NY State Census. She is currently working on Poughkeepsie, NY records.
Lee continued to match Pomeroys found in 1911 Canadian Census records and British Columbia Marriages and Death records indexed on She was able to identify a “Honna Purmoy” as Hannah, the spouse of Oliver Pomeroy, son of George A. Pomeroy (Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) and Rebecca Palmer. Lee also organized a research trip to the Onondaga County Public Library to review Pomeroys in the NY State Vital Records index and Maine and Onondaga County records. Lee has been keeping a spreadsheet of the transcribed vital records for later data-entry.
Lee connected with a Pomeroy family when she was in Roscoe, NY on Saturday, April 20th. This family descends from Eltweed. Lee has contact information and has handed it over to Nancy. She also reviewed Pomeroy information in the Cortland Library, in Cortland, NY that same day.
Lee contacted the Sr. Managing Editor at the Syracuse Post Standard to clarify our understanding of their copyright practices and spoke with Pat and Barb about articles being planned. She prepared a report on the publication project for Project Roots department members.
Ed continued to research and data-enter information found on Pomeroy families who lived in Stark County, OH and later moved to Dekalb County, IN. Ed will be reviewing Hancock County, ME grantor/grantee indexes at the Family History Library this week. Although these deeds are available online, they early books are not indexed, so he will be copying Pomeroy, Lunt and Coffin entries to identify which books and pages the deeds are on. Ed is also planning a trip to the Onondaga County Library in Syracuse with Lee and Betty. Ed will continue his review of the Maine Vital Records CD collection available at the library. Ed’s previous visit turned up some very useful information, including the marriage information for William Pomeroy and Nancy Grant, and Samuel Pomeroy and Lydia Gatcomb.
Ed identified a new Canada/Maine Pomeroy family that was living in Catalina, Newfoundland. This was George Pomeroy, b. abt 1816 who married Elizabeth (maiden name unknown). He died 1 May 1905 in Catalina. Elizabeth, b. abt 1822, d. 18 Oct. 1898 also in Catalina. The couple had at least one child, William James Pomeroy b. abt 1816 who d. 1 May 1905 in Catalina. William married Emily Sharp on 1 Mar 1890 in Catalina, and the couple had at least four children, all born in Catalina: Mary Ann Pomeroy, b. 11 Dec 1890; Jessie Pomeroy, b. 1 Sep 1894; George Pomeroy, b. 2 Dec 1897; and Rene Pomeroy, b. 30 Sep 1900. Does anyone descend from this family? If so, please contact us!
Pat researched an interesting record that Nancy found in’s U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798 – 1914, database. Thomas Pomeroy, (according to this record) was born abt 1799 in Pompey, Onondaga Co., NY and enlisted 2 Sep 1813 (at the age of 14!) into the U.S. Army Artillery. He joined in Greenbush, NY under Capt. Barker for service of five years. Other records in this same database identify Thomas as being born in Onondaga Co., NY and being a musician in the army at the tender age of 9. We would love to figure out who this Thomas was. There were no Pomeroys listed in the 1800 US Federal Census in Pompey, NY. There were Pomeroys who settled early in Otisco, but no Thomas that matches the description above. Who is this young man?
Nancy checked our blog’s web statistics and was pleasantly surprised. We are averaging 200 unique visits to our blog site per month, since the blog was started just six months ago, with a record 256 visits in March 2010!
The Pomeroy Collection
Nancy scanned, conserved and organized the archive of letters associated with the Frederick Lawrence Pomeroy (James Clark, Stephen, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Eldad, Caleb, Eltweed) family which was added to the collection recently.
Nancy has accessioned several genealogy and historical society newsletters, journals and magazines. Nancy also purchased and received the book “Local Color, Stories of Westhampton’s First 225 Years”, edited by Jacqui Hickey LaFrance, James E. Bridgman and Sarak K. Mulvehill and published by the Westhampton Historical Society. This is a reprint of the book that was published originally in 2003.
Two new and interesting additions to the collection are large felt advertising pennants for Pommery Champagne. Our facilities team has just hung one on the outside wall of the Project Roots Office. Nancy feels like celebrating! (Well, Nancy always feels like celebrating...)
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Work is well underway on the Pembroke, Maine, Pomeroy Anvil Monument dedicated to Thomas W. Pomeroy, a very successful clairvoyant physician who was born in Pembroke. Thomas lived and practiced in New York City from 1880 to 1926, but he and his wife returned to Pembroke every summer where they built a lavish summer home. Thomas was a Master Mason and member of the Crescent Lodge 78 for 73 years. The Town of Pembroke and the Pembroke Historical Society are planning a dedication ceremony on July 4, 2010 after the parade. The monument will be installed at the American Legion on Front Street. Now’s the time to get your hotel reservations if you plan on coming to the dedication – Nancy, her husband Jerry and Bill and Sandra Pomeroy have their reservations and are looking forward to the event. Nancy was so impressed with the people of Pembroke when she and Jerry went on a scouting visit to Pembroke last July. She and Jerry are looking forward to their return visit.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Nancy has started to write the Mary Ann Coe book. This has been a very rewarding and eye-opening endeavor so far. It’s incredible how the simple act of writing a narrative makes you think of additional research and helps you to see the subject of your research in a different light. Nancy is compiling research done on the Coe family in the towns of Durham, CT; Granville, MA; Ballstown, NY; Paris, NY; and Pompey, NY, and would love to talk with other people researching the Coes or the towns listed above.
Pat continued her research on Carlos C. Coe, a relative of Mary Ann who was an early balloonist in New York State. Pat took a field trip to Rome, NY and visited the Jervis Public Library, the Rome Historical Society and the Rome Cemetery, as part of her Carlos Coe research. While not much was found on Carlos, Pat did collect information on Pomeroys from the Rome and Utica area, including the family of Daniel C. Pomeroy (Silas, Nathaniel, Noah, Noah, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed). Pat is also researching the Adam Junkins family in Cadiz, OH. Adam was the brother of Benjamin Junkins, Mary Ann’s second “husband”. Pat also researched NY State’s insolvency laws for an article we hope to have published soon.
In between packing and moving, Judy has continued to transcribe articles in the Firelands Pioneer Journal and has made some great headway in entering Pomeroy vital records.
We have added 320 new people, 165 new sources and 2686 new citations to our genealogy databases over the past three weeks.
The Official Blog of the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association. The home of the Great A.A. Pomeroy Book Update Project, the Pomeroy Anvil Trail, the Pomeroy Collection, the Eltweed Pomeroy YDNA Project and the Mary Ann Coe Project. All articles on this blog are copyrighted by the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
APHGA Bi-Weekly Report 4/7/2010
The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Ed, Betty, Barb and Nancy have been busy reviewing the research on the book that has been completed to date, and accessing and organizing the work yet to be done in order to set a publication date for the book update project. Nancy is considering publishing in phases, starting with the first five generations down from Eltweed, in 2011, with additional publications of three to five generations in length, dependent on the number of families this encompasses. As the generations go forward, the number of people in the family tree increases exponentially, so we may need to publish at three generation intervals after the initial book containing the first five generations is published.
Barb is identifying what information is missing from our Eltweed database and tracking it on a spreadsheet. Betty has organized the vital records that need to be matched and entered by priority (pre-1850 being the highest priority, 1850-1930 is medium priority, 1930 forward is low priority.) Ed has prioritized all databases by the above mentioned priorities. Nancy is organizing the many, many files of research on her desk by priority and will be handing the highest priority research on to Betty, Ed and Judy to enter. Barb also continues her review of Pomeroys in “America’s Historic Newspapers” database.
Judy and Betty are entering high priority vital records. Judy is focusing on MO marriage records and Quebec Vital and Church Records and Canadian Soldiers of the First World War. Betty is currently working on the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records available on She is matching and entering Pomeroys and collateral lines. Betty has also been reviewing the Gerald A. Parson’s book on the Parsons lineage to see if she can connect any of the various Parsons identified in the A.A. Pomeroy books. Betty also prepared a list of NY Pomeroys and Collateral lines by priority, for a field trip to the Onondaga County Public Library. She will be helping Lee finish transcribing the NY State Vital Records index.
Ed continues to enter Maine and Canadian records into our Unlinked Pomeroy database. Nancy handed off a large Long Island Plantation and Tremont, ME Pomeroy/Lunt file which Ed is entering. Ed also prepared for his visit to the Onondaga County Public Library and will be reviewing their large selection of Maine vital records on CD.
Ed and Lee have been working on the Jeremiah Pomeroy family of Starks, Somerset County, ME, and Nancy had been corresponding with a genealogist and his client, who is a descendant of this family. Jeremiah Pomeroy was b. 10 Oct 1774 in ME, and married Elizabeth Parker (b. 10 Jul 1786, ME) by 1800. The couple had the following children: Betsey, b. 21 Nov 1801; Joshua P. b. 2 Sep 1803; Benjamin b. 1 Aug 1805; Polly, b. 26 May 1809; Nehemiah, b. 2 Apr 1811; Elizabeth, b. 27 Feb 1813; Phebe H. b. 17 Mar 1815; Eunes H (Eunice?), b. 26 Feb 1817; Jeremiah, b. 9 Feb 1819; Simeon Goodin, b. 7 May 1822; Rebecca Jane, b. 9 Mar 1824; and Richard H, b. 3 Oct 1826, all children born in Starks. Of these children, Nehemiah moved to Mercer County, Illinois by 1857; Jeremiah moved to Mercer Co. by 1850, then to Iowa by 1880; Simeon moved to Boston, MA by 1850 and later to Worcester Co., MA; while Richard, the youngest child, stayed in Somerset Co., ME. Is anyone else working on this family? We would love to know who Jeremiah’s parents are!
Ed and Nancy are also trying to identify the parents of an Albion Pomeroy, b. abt 1826 in ME, who married Betsey (last name unknown), who was b. abt 1832 in Canada, East. Albion was living with the William Ward family in Fort Winnebago, Columbia County, WI when he was enumerated on 5 Sept 1850 in the 1850 US Federal Census. By the 1860 US Federal Census he was living with his wife and children in Beloit, Rock Co., WI. By the 1870 US Federal Census he was living with his wife and children in Cass, Clayton Co., IA, and by the 1880 US Federal Census he was living in Precinct A., Seward Co., NE, where he was still living when the 1900 US Federal Census was taken. Albion and Betsey had the following children: Clinton Henry, b. abt Aug 1855, in WI; Lysander F., b. abt 1860 in WI; Nancy Jane, b. abt 1863 in IL; Minnie L., b. abt 1867 in IL; Ellen, b. abt 1872 in WI, and Frank, b. abt 1874 in IA.
Other Pomeroy families found in Beloit, WI were brothers Nathan H. and Alonzo Pomeroy, sons of Richard and Elizabeth “Betsey” (Daggett) Pomeroy. Richard was b. 1771 in ME and married Elizabeth (b. abt 1775 in MA) by abt 1796. Their children include: Catherine, b. 7 Jul 1797, d. 26 Sep 1800 in Starks, ME; Hiram, b. 6 Nov 1799 in Starks, John, b. 13 Jul 1802 in Starks; Robert L., b. 22 May 1804 in Starks; Nathan H., b. 22 May 1804 in Somerset Co., ME (possibly Starks); Alonzo, b. abt 1807 in ME, (possibly Starks); and Betsey Pomeroy, b. 5 Sep 1809 in ME (possibly Starks).
Nathan H. Pomeroy married Mary (last name unknown), date unknown. Mary was born abt 1806 in ME. The couple may have had two daughters, based on the 1840 US Federal Census, but we can’t be sure as yet. By the 1850 US Federal Census Nathan and Mary were living in Beloit, WI with Nathan’s parents and Elizabeth and Andrew Hunt, both born about 1834 in ME. Are these children related? By the 1860 US Federal Census Nathan and Mary are living in Shirland, Winnebago Co., IL. Also in the household was Nathan’s mother. Nathan may have married twice.
Alonzo Pomeroy married Sarah K (last name unknown) by 1832. Sarah was b. abt. 1812 in ME. By the 1860 US Federal Census, the two were living with their children in Beloit, WI. Their children include: Francis B., b. abt 1833 in ME; Lydia E., b. abt 1839 in ME; Atwell W., b. abt Nov 1842 in ME; Alonzo Franklin, b. abt Oct 1846 in ME; and Lillian, b. abt Jul 1859 in WI.
The fact that Nathan, Alonzo and their father Richard Pomeroy were all in Beloit, WI around the same time that Albion Pomeroy was, makes us wonder whether these families were related. Is anyone else researching these lines?
Lee continues to abstract Pomeroys in the New York State Vital Records Index at the Onondaga County Public Library. She has also been leading the Publication Project and has been finding out about copyright issues related to publishing articles in local papers. Judy wrote a short piece on finding Spencer Pomeroy’s Insolvency Papers at the Onondaga County Courthouse. Pat is working on a follow-up piece explaining the NY State Insolvent Debtor laws. The proposed third piece will be an abstract of Spencer’s Insolvency papers. Lee has also been matching Pomeroys in the 1911 Canadian Census. Lee also reviewed Pomeroys in the British Columbia Marriage Index, 1872-1924, which has been made newly available on
Barb, Rick and Caryn continue to review and transcribe Pomeroys in the 1865 NY State Census. Barb has offered to start the one county that had not been reserved by the other researchers... Kings County! We wish you the best of luck Barb!
Rick helped with a filing project as part of his work writing applications for various lineage societies for Bill. Rick is currently working on Bill’s application to the National Society of the Sons of American Colonists.
Barb and Nancy also attended the second planning meeting of the Central New York Genealogical Society’s 50th Anniversary Conference Committee. The conference will be scheduled for October 2011 in Syracuse, NY. Nancy is on the vendor and speaker sub-committees.
Caryn and Nancy continued to research Edwin Guilford Pomeroy (Francis A., Francis W., Spencer, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and the McKeen Motor Car Company for a article being written on the subject by a local free-lance writer. Nancy started to look at early residents of Tiffin, OH (where Edwin grew up), and noted that many were also early residents of Norwalk, OH. This information may prove useful in our ongoing research of Mary Ann Coe (former wife of Spencer Pomeroy, and great-grandmother of Edwin).
Nancy also checked the Pomeroy message board on and reviewed recently posted messages. One of particular interest concerns the parentage of a John P. Pomeroy, b. abt 1794 in possibly CT, who settled in Saint Lawrence Co., NY by 1830. He married Narcissa Henderson in Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., abt 1819 and the couple had the following children: David, b. abt 1819 in Hopkinton; Chester, b. between 1820 and 1825 in Hopkinton; Jesse Henry, b. Oct 1821 in NY (probably Hopkinton), Eldridge G, b. Aug 1833 in Hopkinton; Delia b. between 1825 and 1830 in Hopkinton; Lucretia, b. abt 1825 in Hopkinton; Earl, b. abt 1827 in Hopkinton; and John Willard, b. abt 1831 in Hopkinton. According to the author of a message on the Pomeroy board, John P. Pomeroy was the son of Josiah Pomeroy, who was the illegitimate son of Josiah Pomeroy and Lavina (or Lavinia) Phelps. Josiah the son was b. 11 Nov 1772 in Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. His alleged father, Josiah Pomeroy, was b. 18 Jun 1745 in Hebron and d. Jul 1812, the son of Rev. Benjamin Pomeroy (Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) and his wife Abigail Wheelock. We are currently been doing research to see whether we can prove a connection between Josiah (son of Lavina Phelps) and John P. Pomeroy. Our research has led us to Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA, where early on are found several Josiah Pomeroys working and living in the area. According to Pittsfield history books, Lemuel Pomeroy (Lemuel, Seth, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) the well known arms manufacturer and miller, went into business with Josiah Pomeroy, also a miller and distant relative. Prior to pursuing this research, we believed that Josiah Pomeroy, Sr (Benjamin, Josiah, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) b. 5 Jan 1778 in Northampton, MA who married Ruth Thayer, Charlotte Smith and Phebe (last name unknown) was the Josiah who was in business with Lemuel Pomeroy, but now we are wondering if the miller in Pittsfield was really Josiah, son of Lavina Phelps. Two Josiah Pomeroys show up in early census records for Berkshire County, MA. One is living in Hinsdale and the other in Pittsfield. The headcount of people living in the Hinsdale Josiah Pomeroy family seem to match Josiah Pomeroy, Sr., husband of Ruth Thayer. This Josiah died 11 Jun 1861 in Leverett, Franklin Co., MA, while the miller, Josiah Pomeroy of Pittsfield apparently died in 1851.
Lavina Phelps married Capt. Daniel Pepoon in Hebron, Tolland Co., CT on 28 Dec 1780. The couple had three children, Nancy, b. 9 Aug 1783; Joseph, b. between Sept 1781 and Nov. 1785; and Lavinia, b. abt 1785. Lavina (Phelps) Pepoon d. 1 Nov 1785 in Hebron. Daniel had moved with his children to Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., MA by 1790. He was for a time the proprietor of a coffee house in Pittsfield, and one of the incorporators of the Berkshire Bank. We are wondering whether Josiah, son of Lavina, grew up in this family. If so, it would put him in the right place at the right time to be the miller Josiah who went into business with Lemuel Pomeroy. If anyone else is researching this family and can provide insight on which Josiah was in business with Lemuel, we would love to hear from you!
The Pomeroy Collection
Just added to the collection is a group of about fifty letters, notes, telegrams and other ephemera associated with Frederick Lawrence Pomeroy (James Clark, Stephen, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Eldad, Caleb, Eltweed) and family. Frederick was born 15 Jan 1855 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY, and as a young man of sixteen worked as a clerk for the Utica, Ithaca and Elmira Railroad. He married Ophelia Taylor Williams on 9 Jun 1880 and continued his career in the railroad business. IN 1897 he was the general manager of the Nickel Plate Fast Freight Line in New York City, and in 1901 was the Assistant Traffic Manager of the New York Central Railroad. His family lived in Brooklyn, on President St. In Oct. 1906 he and several other NY Central and Hudson River Railroad workers were indicted for granting freight rebates to the Sugar Trust. Frederick died of heart disease on 26 Nov. 1906 before the case was settled. His wife continued to pursue Frederick’s interest in the case until it was dropped. The collection includes several letters of condolence to the widow and the couple’s only child, Fred Lawrence Pomeroy, along with extensive correspondence from Rev. A. J. Lyman, the minister of the South Congregational Church of Brooklyn, NY, and a handwritten letter from F.E. Harriman, on Grand Central Station letterhead. This was a bit of a mystery to us, as we are familiar with Edward Harriman, president of the N.Y. Central Railroad, but are not familiar with F.E. Harriman. Nancy found on Google Books, the journal “Freight, The Shippers’ Forum” Vol X, No. 11, published in NY in November, 1909, which mentions F.E. Harriman on page 335. According to the article “Traffic Club of New York” F.E. Harriman was at that time the Coal Traffic Manager of the New York Central Lines. Was he related to Edward Harriman?
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Work continues on the Pembroke, ME monument.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Judy continues to transcribe and enter articles from the Firelands Pioneer that relate to early residents of Huron County, OH. Pat continues to research early residents in Huron County, OH in an effort to identify where these settlers came from, prior to settling in Huron County. She has found many links to Western and Central New York, Hampshire and Berkshire Counties, MA and Tolland County, CT. She is also working on filling in the Coe line, especially those who settled in the Central New York area, including the eminent balloonist Carlos C. Coe.
Pat has been researching the family of Major Joseph Strong, who married second wife, Lucy Elderkin, in Manlius, NY on 24 Oct. 1799. Lucy was the sister of Mary Ann Elderkin. Mary Ann married twice, first to a Henry Clark and second to a James Jackson, and she was a member (as Mary Ann Jackson) of the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Manlius when Sarah L. (Allen) Pomeroy was a member. Lucy and her husband Major Joseph Strong and their family moved to Lyme, Huron County by 1813. Major Joseph Strong descends from Justice Joseph Strong, b. 2 Dec 1672 in Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA, who married Sarah Allen. We have not yet traced whether Sarah Allen, wife of Joseph Strong, was related to Sarah L. Allen, wife of Pliny Pomeroy.
We have added 540 new people, 183 new sources and 3499 new citations to our genealogy databases over the past three weeks.
Ed, Betty, Barb and Nancy have been busy reviewing the research on the book that has been completed to date, and accessing and organizing the work yet to be done in order to set a publication date for the book update project. Nancy is considering publishing in phases, starting with the first five generations down from Eltweed, in 2011, with additional publications of three to five generations in length, dependent on the number of families this encompasses. As the generations go forward, the number of people in the family tree increases exponentially, so we may need to publish at three generation intervals after the initial book containing the first five generations is published.
Barb is identifying what information is missing from our Eltweed database and tracking it on a spreadsheet. Betty has organized the vital records that need to be matched and entered by priority (pre-1850 being the highest priority, 1850-1930 is medium priority, 1930 forward is low priority.) Ed has prioritized all databases by the above mentioned priorities. Nancy is organizing the many, many files of research on her desk by priority and will be handing the highest priority research on to Betty, Ed and Judy to enter. Barb also continues her review of Pomeroys in “America’s Historic Newspapers” database.
Judy and Betty are entering high priority vital records. Judy is focusing on MO marriage records and Quebec Vital and Church Records and Canadian Soldiers of the First World War. Betty is currently working on the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records available on She is matching and entering Pomeroys and collateral lines. Betty has also been reviewing the Gerald A. Parson’s book on the Parsons lineage to see if she can connect any of the various Parsons identified in the A.A. Pomeroy books. Betty also prepared a list of NY Pomeroys and Collateral lines by priority, for a field trip to the Onondaga County Public Library. She will be helping Lee finish transcribing the NY State Vital Records index.
Ed continues to enter Maine and Canadian records into our Unlinked Pomeroy database. Nancy handed off a large Long Island Plantation and Tremont, ME Pomeroy/Lunt file which Ed is entering. Ed also prepared for his visit to the Onondaga County Public Library and will be reviewing their large selection of Maine vital records on CD.
Ed and Lee have been working on the Jeremiah Pomeroy family of Starks, Somerset County, ME, and Nancy had been corresponding with a genealogist and his client, who is a descendant of this family. Jeremiah Pomeroy was b. 10 Oct 1774 in ME, and married Elizabeth Parker (b. 10 Jul 1786, ME) by 1800. The couple had the following children: Betsey, b. 21 Nov 1801; Joshua P. b. 2 Sep 1803; Benjamin b. 1 Aug 1805; Polly, b. 26 May 1809; Nehemiah, b. 2 Apr 1811; Elizabeth, b. 27 Feb 1813; Phebe H. b. 17 Mar 1815; Eunes H (Eunice?), b. 26 Feb 1817; Jeremiah, b. 9 Feb 1819; Simeon Goodin, b. 7 May 1822; Rebecca Jane, b. 9 Mar 1824; and Richard H, b. 3 Oct 1826, all children born in Starks. Of these children, Nehemiah moved to Mercer County, Illinois by 1857; Jeremiah moved to Mercer Co. by 1850, then to Iowa by 1880; Simeon moved to Boston, MA by 1850 and later to Worcester Co., MA; while Richard, the youngest child, stayed in Somerset Co., ME. Is anyone else working on this family? We would love to know who Jeremiah’s parents are!
Ed and Nancy are also trying to identify the parents of an Albion Pomeroy, b. abt 1826 in ME, who married Betsey (last name unknown), who was b. abt 1832 in Canada, East. Albion was living with the William Ward family in Fort Winnebago, Columbia County, WI when he was enumerated on 5 Sept 1850 in the 1850 US Federal Census. By the 1860 US Federal Census he was living with his wife and children in Beloit, Rock Co., WI. By the 1870 US Federal Census he was living with his wife and children in Cass, Clayton Co., IA, and by the 1880 US Federal Census he was living in Precinct A., Seward Co., NE, where he was still living when the 1900 US Federal Census was taken. Albion and Betsey had the following children: Clinton Henry, b. abt Aug 1855, in WI; Lysander F., b. abt 1860 in WI; Nancy Jane, b. abt 1863 in IL; Minnie L., b. abt 1867 in IL; Ellen, b. abt 1872 in WI, and Frank, b. abt 1874 in IA.
Other Pomeroy families found in Beloit, WI were brothers Nathan H. and Alonzo Pomeroy, sons of Richard and Elizabeth “Betsey” (Daggett) Pomeroy. Richard was b. 1771 in ME and married Elizabeth (b. abt 1775 in MA) by abt 1796. Their children include: Catherine, b. 7 Jul 1797, d. 26 Sep 1800 in Starks, ME; Hiram, b. 6 Nov 1799 in Starks, John, b. 13 Jul 1802 in Starks; Robert L., b. 22 May 1804 in Starks; Nathan H., b. 22 May 1804 in Somerset Co., ME (possibly Starks); Alonzo, b. abt 1807 in ME, (possibly Starks); and Betsey Pomeroy, b. 5 Sep 1809 in ME (possibly Starks).
Nathan H. Pomeroy married Mary (last name unknown), date unknown. Mary was born abt 1806 in ME. The couple may have had two daughters, based on the 1840 US Federal Census, but we can’t be sure as yet. By the 1850 US Federal Census Nathan and Mary were living in Beloit, WI with Nathan’s parents and Elizabeth and Andrew Hunt, both born about 1834 in ME. Are these children related? By the 1860 US Federal Census Nathan and Mary are living in Shirland, Winnebago Co., IL. Also in the household was Nathan’s mother. Nathan may have married twice.
Alonzo Pomeroy married Sarah K (last name unknown) by 1832. Sarah was b. abt. 1812 in ME. By the 1860 US Federal Census, the two were living with their children in Beloit, WI. Their children include: Francis B., b. abt 1833 in ME; Lydia E., b. abt 1839 in ME; Atwell W., b. abt Nov 1842 in ME; Alonzo Franklin, b. abt Oct 1846 in ME; and Lillian, b. abt Jul 1859 in WI.
The fact that Nathan, Alonzo and their father Richard Pomeroy were all in Beloit, WI around the same time that Albion Pomeroy was, makes us wonder whether these families were related. Is anyone else researching these lines?
Lee continues to abstract Pomeroys in the New York State Vital Records Index at the Onondaga County Public Library. She has also been leading the Publication Project and has been finding out about copyright issues related to publishing articles in local papers. Judy wrote a short piece on finding Spencer Pomeroy’s Insolvency Papers at the Onondaga County Courthouse. Pat is working on a follow-up piece explaining the NY State Insolvent Debtor laws. The proposed third piece will be an abstract of Spencer’s Insolvency papers. Lee has also been matching Pomeroys in the 1911 Canadian Census. Lee also reviewed Pomeroys in the British Columbia Marriage Index, 1872-1924, which has been made newly available on
Barb, Rick and Caryn continue to review and transcribe Pomeroys in the 1865 NY State Census. Barb has offered to start the one county that had not been reserved by the other researchers... Kings County! We wish you the best of luck Barb!
Rick helped with a filing project as part of his work writing applications for various lineage societies for Bill. Rick is currently working on Bill’s application to the National Society of the Sons of American Colonists.
Barb and Nancy also attended the second planning meeting of the Central New York Genealogical Society’s 50th Anniversary Conference Committee. The conference will be scheduled for October 2011 in Syracuse, NY. Nancy is on the vendor and speaker sub-committees.
Caryn and Nancy continued to research Edwin Guilford Pomeroy (Francis A., Francis W., Spencer, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and the McKeen Motor Car Company for a article being written on the subject by a local free-lance writer. Nancy started to look at early residents of Tiffin, OH (where Edwin grew up), and noted that many were also early residents of Norwalk, OH. This information may prove useful in our ongoing research of Mary Ann Coe (former wife of Spencer Pomeroy, and great-grandmother of Edwin).
Nancy also checked the Pomeroy message board on and reviewed recently posted messages. One of particular interest concerns the parentage of a John P. Pomeroy, b. abt 1794 in possibly CT, who settled in Saint Lawrence Co., NY by 1830. He married Narcissa Henderson in Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., abt 1819 and the couple had the following children: David, b. abt 1819 in Hopkinton; Chester, b. between 1820 and 1825 in Hopkinton; Jesse Henry, b. Oct 1821 in NY (probably Hopkinton), Eldridge G, b. Aug 1833 in Hopkinton; Delia b. between 1825 and 1830 in Hopkinton; Lucretia, b. abt 1825 in Hopkinton; Earl, b. abt 1827 in Hopkinton; and John Willard, b. abt 1831 in Hopkinton. According to the author of a message on the Pomeroy board, John P. Pomeroy was the son of Josiah Pomeroy, who was the illegitimate son of Josiah Pomeroy and Lavina (or Lavinia) Phelps. Josiah the son was b. 11 Nov 1772 in Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. His alleged father, Josiah Pomeroy, was b. 18 Jun 1745 in Hebron and d. Jul 1812, the son of Rev. Benjamin Pomeroy (Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) and his wife Abigail Wheelock. We are currently been doing research to see whether we can prove a connection between Josiah (son of Lavina Phelps) and John P. Pomeroy. Our research has led us to Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA, where early on are found several Josiah Pomeroys working and living in the area. According to Pittsfield history books, Lemuel Pomeroy (Lemuel, Seth, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) the well known arms manufacturer and miller, went into business with Josiah Pomeroy, also a miller and distant relative. Prior to pursuing this research, we believed that Josiah Pomeroy, Sr (Benjamin, Josiah, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) b. 5 Jan 1778 in Northampton, MA who married Ruth Thayer, Charlotte Smith and Phebe (last name unknown) was the Josiah who was in business with Lemuel Pomeroy, but now we are wondering if the miller in Pittsfield was really Josiah, son of Lavina Phelps. Two Josiah Pomeroys show up in early census records for Berkshire County, MA. One is living in Hinsdale and the other in Pittsfield. The headcount of people living in the Hinsdale Josiah Pomeroy family seem to match Josiah Pomeroy, Sr., husband of Ruth Thayer. This Josiah died 11 Jun 1861 in Leverett, Franklin Co., MA, while the miller, Josiah Pomeroy of Pittsfield apparently died in 1851.
Lavina Phelps married Capt. Daniel Pepoon in Hebron, Tolland Co., CT on 28 Dec 1780. The couple had three children, Nancy, b. 9 Aug 1783; Joseph, b. between Sept 1781 and Nov. 1785; and Lavinia, b. abt 1785. Lavina (Phelps) Pepoon d. 1 Nov 1785 in Hebron. Daniel had moved with his children to Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., MA by 1790. He was for a time the proprietor of a coffee house in Pittsfield, and one of the incorporators of the Berkshire Bank. We are wondering whether Josiah, son of Lavina, grew up in this family. If so, it would put him in the right place at the right time to be the miller Josiah who went into business with Lemuel Pomeroy. If anyone else is researching this family and can provide insight on which Josiah was in business with Lemuel, we would love to hear from you!
The Pomeroy Collection
Just added to the collection is a group of about fifty letters, notes, telegrams and other ephemera associated with Frederick Lawrence Pomeroy (James Clark, Stephen, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Eldad, Caleb, Eltweed) and family. Frederick was born 15 Jan 1855 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY, and as a young man of sixteen worked as a clerk for the Utica, Ithaca and Elmira Railroad. He married Ophelia Taylor Williams on 9 Jun 1880 and continued his career in the railroad business. IN 1897 he was the general manager of the Nickel Plate Fast Freight Line in New York City, and in 1901 was the Assistant Traffic Manager of the New York Central Railroad. His family lived in Brooklyn, on President St. In Oct. 1906 he and several other NY Central and Hudson River Railroad workers were indicted for granting freight rebates to the Sugar Trust. Frederick died of heart disease on 26 Nov. 1906 before the case was settled. His wife continued to pursue Frederick’s interest in the case until it was dropped. The collection includes several letters of condolence to the widow and the couple’s only child, Fred Lawrence Pomeroy, along with extensive correspondence from Rev. A. J. Lyman, the minister of the South Congregational Church of Brooklyn, NY, and a handwritten letter from F.E. Harriman, on Grand Central Station letterhead. This was a bit of a mystery to us, as we are familiar with Edward Harriman, president of the N.Y. Central Railroad, but are not familiar with F.E. Harriman. Nancy found on Google Books, the journal “Freight, The Shippers’ Forum” Vol X, No. 11, published in NY in November, 1909, which mentions F.E. Harriman on page 335. According to the article “Traffic Club of New York” F.E. Harriman was at that time the Coal Traffic Manager of the New York Central Lines. Was he related to Edward Harriman?
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Work continues on the Pembroke, ME monument.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Judy continues to transcribe and enter articles from the Firelands Pioneer that relate to early residents of Huron County, OH. Pat continues to research early residents in Huron County, OH in an effort to identify where these settlers came from, prior to settling in Huron County. She has found many links to Western and Central New York, Hampshire and Berkshire Counties, MA and Tolland County, CT. She is also working on filling in the Coe line, especially those who settled in the Central New York area, including the eminent balloonist Carlos C. Coe.
Pat has been researching the family of Major Joseph Strong, who married second wife, Lucy Elderkin, in Manlius, NY on 24 Oct. 1799. Lucy was the sister of Mary Ann Elderkin. Mary Ann married twice, first to a Henry Clark and second to a James Jackson, and she was a member (as Mary Ann Jackson) of the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Manlius when Sarah L. (Allen) Pomeroy was a member. Lucy and her husband Major Joseph Strong and their family moved to Lyme, Huron County by 1813. Major Joseph Strong descends from Justice Joseph Strong, b. 2 Dec 1672 in Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA, who married Sarah Allen. We have not yet traced whether Sarah Allen, wife of Joseph Strong, was related to Sarah L. Allen, wife of Pliny Pomeroy.
We have added 540 new people, 183 new sources and 3499 new citations to our genealogy databases over the past three weeks.