The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Nancy received an e-mail from Donald P who was researching his Pomeroy/Pumroy family in early VA (now WV). He can trace his family back to James Pomeroy/Pumroy b. 1781 in King George, VA. James and his family moved of Kanawha County about 1817. Was he a relative of the Shenandoah County, VA Pomeroys who settled in that area by 1800? Nancy has started to enter census and vital records information on various VA Pomeroy families in hopes that we may find some connections between these families. Nancy found an interesting article in the Richmond Enquirer newspaper dated 1 Jul 1836, on page 3, which detailed the meeting of the Democratic Republicans of Kanawha, wherein James Pomeroy was listed as an additionally appointed member of a Committee of Correspondence. The Kanawha Democratic Republicans were supporting the election of Martin Van Buren. It would be interesting to look at the records of this organization to see if there are further references to James Pomeroy.
Another intriguing bit of information found while researching James Pomeroy came from a book found on that lists a James Pomeroy as a prisoner “in Dorchester Gaole to bee Transported” to Barbados, during the time period of 1685-6. This is not the James Pomeroy who lived in Kanawha Co., VA, but it begs the question, who is this other James Pomeroy? Unfortunately Nancy lost her connection to the website and was not able to print up the source for this information. She will check the site again this coming week and report back.
If anyone has researched the Pomeroys of Kanawha Co., VA (later WV), please contact Nancy so she can put you in touch with Donald. If anyone knows who the James Pomeroy who was deported to Barbados, please also let Nancy know.
Nancy also spent time this week reviewing applications for Historic Road Markers in Onondaga County for the William G. Pomeroy Foundation.
Alena checked online newspapers for Mexico listed on the ICON website to see if we could find any references to James Pomeroy McGuire who was buried in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1956. The Correo a paper published in Guanajuato, Mexico was only available through 1914. Alena was able to search the El Informador and the El Tren newspapers, but neither of these papers were published in Guanajuato, but rather from Guadalajara. No articles were found that contained information about James Pomeroy McGuire.
Lee continued to match Canadian Pomeroy marriage records against our various Pomeroy databases. She has matched 6 of 15 pages of results.
Lee visited the Onondaga Historical Society and made note of Samuel and Betsy Pomeroy in Onondaga County in 1838. These names are new to our research. Lee also noted some Pomeroy names in an old history of education in Syracuse. She also examined several other collections identified as possibly holding some Pomeroy data, including the Hopkins family papers, 1833-1983, and the Hoyt family papers, 1806-1888, but nothing relative to our Pomeroy research was found in these collections.
Ed continued to research online Maine newspapers for Pomeroy connections. He found a John Pomeroy from Orrington, ME who was lost at sea in 1902. John had a wife and two children who survived him at the time of his death. From the information in that article, Ed was able to fill in missing information on John and his family. This John G. Pomeroy, b. abt 1833 in ME, was the son of John and Rachel G Pomeroy. John the father was born abt 1790 in ME and died before 1860, based on census record information. Rachel G. was born abt 1795 in ME and died 10 Oct 1865 in Hancock, Hancock Co., ME. Rachel and John’s children included William R. Pomeroy, b. abt 1819 in ME, a female child born between 1820 and 1825, probably born in Maine, Amos P. Pomeroy, b. Nov 1821 in ME who died before 19 Apr 1910 based on census record information, Ellen Pomeroy, b. abt 1829 in ME, Nathaniel Pomeroy, b. abt 1829 in ME who died before 6 Jun 1900, and John G. Pomeroy.
John G. Pomeroy married, we believe, twice. He had a daughter by his first wife Malissa, named Caroline, b. abt 1858. He had at least four children by his second wife, Maria M., namely Martha Maria Pomeroy, b. abt 1858 or 1861, Philena A. Pomeroy, b. abt 1861, Harriet A. Pomeroy, b. abt 1865 and Edith M. Pomeroy b. Feb 1880. All children were born in Maine. Is anyone researching this family?
Betty continued to enter matched Pomeroys in the Social Security Death Index into our various Pomeroy databases. She has also been entering Canadian records into the Eltweed database.
Barb searched for Canadian Pomeroys in America’s Historical Newspaper database looking for Pomeroys that Lee has been researching. Although she did not find references to the Pomeroys Lee was looking for, she did find several interesting articles including one about an Ebenezer G. Pomeroy who was assigned a patent for smelting and refining iron, an A. Pomeroy who was a boatswain in 1850 on the US frigate Wabash, and a W.C. Pomeroy of the Trades and Labor Assembly at a meeting of 20,000 workers in Chicago that turned out to support the eight hour workday.
Barb also started and completed matching Pomeroys in the MN Marriage Collection 1958-2001 on Due to the late date of these records not many connections were found.
Judy researched Chloe Wheeler, believed to be the wife of Noah Pomeroy (Daniel, Noah, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) to see if we could prove that Wheeler was her maiden name. She found a Chloe Palmer appointed as administrator of her second husband Joseph’s estate. She also found a Chloe Wheeler mentioned in a probate record as a daughter of Samuel Wheeler of Canaan, Columbia County, NY around 1820. Noah was living in Columbia County before moving to Albany by 1797. Could this be where he met his future wife?
Judy also continued to catch up with data-entry for the various Pomeroy databases. She has been working on Canadian census records and other various Pomeroy records.
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Nancy continued to work with the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY and the Karl Lutz Monument Co., Inc. of Syracuse, NY, on the installation of the Pomeroy Anvil Monument dedicated to Reverend Francis Pomeroy.
Rick continued to transcribe a collection of Wayne County deeds and mortgages that Nancy had made copies of on her visit to the Wayne County Clerk’s office.
The Pomeroy Collection
No new items accessioned this week.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
We received a letter from Henry Timman, our first rate researcher in Norwalk, OH, on the results of the research he conducted for us regarding Benjamin Junkins, believed to be the second ‘husband’ of Mary Ann Coe. When we reviewed the probate file for Benjamin Junkins we thought perhaps the records were incomplete, and asked Henry to look at later Court of Common Pleas journals to see if he could find any other mention of the settlement of Benjamin Junkins estate. Henry checked the journals but there was no other mention of the settlement of the estate. He did, however, find an interesting notation in Samuel Preston’s Justice of the Peace journal regarding a debt owed to Benjamin Junkins by Edward Wheeler on a note dated 5 Sep 1828. This debt was settled 27 Aug 1832 (over two years after Benjamin Junkins’ death on 23 Jun 1830) by payment to Barnet Carkhuff. It appears that money was owed to Barnet Carkhuff by either Benjamin or perhaps Mary Ann, and the administrators of Benjamin Junkins’ estate used Edward Wheeler’s payment to pay Barnet Carkhuff. Now we need to find out who Edward Wheeler and Barnet Carkhuff were! Also found by Henry Timman were two entries (credit and debit) in the account book of David Underhill, an early saw-mill owner in the Norwalk, OH area. Benjamin was a cabinetmaker and purchased supplies, including cherry wood from David Underhill.
Alena took over for Nancy a review of the Ohio Repository newspaper published in Canton, OH. We are looking through this paper from January 1827 through December 1831 to see if we can find any additional references to Benjamin Junkins or Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy Junkins. An article regarding letters remaining in the Canton, OH Post Office published 1 Jul 1828 in that paper lists, among others, Benjamin Junkin. We are wondering whether Benjamin Junkins and/or Mary Ann Coe were planning to move to Canton, passed through, had visited or perhaps married there.
Lee looked at our collection of Firelands Pioneer journals (and those available online) for references to early church records in or around Norwalk and New Haven, OH. She contacted the Firelands Historical Society in Norwalk and spoke with a volunteer who is looking to see what records they have on early churches.
Barb has been looking at the collection at the Western Reserve Historical Society for items that we might not expect them to have. She has done searches on several different towns and counties in NY State, and did a simple search on NY. Some of the surprising finds were newspapers from Utica, Batavia and Cherry-Valley, a book published in 1828 in Manlius, NY, being an expose “of the character, conduct and designs of the Presbyterians, and some others of the clergy of this county”, written anonymously under the penname “Plain Truth”. Barb also checked the collection for items regarding Westfield, Westhampton and Northampton, MA and Tolland Co., CT.
Rick ordered microfilmed deed lists for Niagara County and Franklin County, NY and Stark County, OH, from our local Family History Center. He also sent an inquiry to the Merry Go Round Museum in Sandusky OH regarding the history of the property they currently own. This property was at one time owned by David Powers and wife Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy Junkins Powers. Rick also sent an inquiry to the Mt. Vernon Masonic Lodge in Norwalk, OH regarding Benjamin Junkins’ dismissal from the lodge in Dec 1827.
Rick also researched the Ohio Divorce Law of 1827 for any reference to jurisdictional issues, to try to figure out why Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy’s divorce petition was dismissed by the Ohio Supreme Court “for lack of jurisdiction” in 1827. Rick also searched for sources of the journal of Seth Williston, and early Congregational minister who served in Onondaga County. A book of excerpts from his journal had been published and we have obtained this and read it, but we are hoping to find the intact journals from which this book was extracted.
Pat researched the 1820 US Federal Census of Norwalk and New Haven, OH and has created a database to research and track the prior residences of these head of households. Did any of these early settlers of Norwalk or New Haven come from Onondaga or Genesee County in NY? Could they have known Mary Ann? Is this why she chose to settle in Norwalk? Pat also ordered 6 microfilms from our local Family History Center on early OH church records. Included were films for Lyme, Peru, and Norwalk, in Huron County and Milan in Erie Co., OH.
Pat continued to enter research found on the Coes into our Eltweed Pomeroy database. She also researched James & Thomas Burkhead of Cadiz, Harrison Co., OH. Adam Junkins (Benjamin’s brother) was married to Actia Burkhead, could James and Thomas be related to Actia?
Pat reviewed the results of Henry Timman’s research with Nancy. She researched Barnet Carkhuff and David Underhill. Both were mentioned in an article in the Oct 1898 issue of The Firelands Pioneer regarding moving the county seat of Huron County to Norwalk in the early 1800s. The article included an 1815 tax bill listing for Wheatsborough, Huron and Vermillion townships in Huron County “constitut[ing] the whole county for purposes of taxation, at that time”. David Powers, Luther Coe, Chism May, Martin M. Kellogg, and James McIntyre were on the tax list for Wheatsborough. Pat identified the origin of the town of Wheatsborough, which was named after Samuel Wheat who owned a large tract of land in township 5, range 24 (now Groton) who was a pioneer settler of the town which later bore his name. The town of Wheatsborough would later be changed to Lyme in 1819.
Pat also found an 1840 census record for Rouse Bly and newspaper clippings for Luther Coe and Rouse Bly which she entered into our Eltweed database.
We have added 672 people, 95 sources and 2233 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
The Official Blog of the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association. The home of the Great A.A. Pomeroy Book Update Project, the Pomeroy Anvil Trail, the Pomeroy Collection, the Eltweed Pomeroy YDNA Project and the Mary Ann Coe Project. All articles on this blog are copyrighted by the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association.
Re: James Pomeroy in the Dorchester Goale to bee transported:
ReplyDeleteJames was involved in The Monmouth Rebellion, beginning June 1685, when the Duke of Monmouth landed at Lyme Regis in Dorset, and 6 July, 1685 when his army was defeated at Sedgemoor.
December: 1685: State papers:
P Index: List of rebels to be Transported:
Pomeroy (Pumroy), Daniel, a rebel: Of Taunton.
Pomeroy, James, a rebel. From Uplyme Devon
May: 31, 1687
Windsor. Warrant to the Justices of Assize and Gaol Delivery for the Western Circuit and all others whom it may concern—after reciting that the King has extended his grace and mercy to Daniel Pomroy of Taunton, (and others), who were engaged in the late rebellion—(and they will be) inserted in the next General Pardon, without any condition of transportation.
Note: there was no pardon for James Pomeroy, rebel, from Uplyme, Devon.