The Official Blog of the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association. The home of the Great A.A. Pomeroy Book Update Project, the Pomeroy Anvil Trail, the Pomeroy Collection, the Eltweed Pomeroy YDNA Project and the Mary Ann Coe Project. All articles on this blog are copyrighted by the American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
APHGA's weekly report 10/27/2009
The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Nancy looked at online Australia newspapers for any mention of Edwin Guilford Pomeroy (Francis A., Francis W., Spencer, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed). Edwin was Bill’s grandfather. He worked for the McKeen Motor Car Company in Omaha, NE before 1908 through about 1920. In November 1911 two McKeen Motor Cars were delivered to Melbourne, Australia. Workers from the McKeen Motor Car Company came to Melbourne to get the trains running and teach the engineers and trainmen in Australia how to run and repair the machines. Based on letters written by Edwin to his wife Etta May (Stansberry) Pomeroy, we believe that Edwin may have been one of the workers sent by McKeen to Australia. We found a very interesting photograph of the McKeen Cars and workers online at the Australia Archives website, and one of the workers bears a striking resemblance to Bill’s grandfather. Meldon Wolfgang III, in his lecture on Newspapers at the CNYGS Fall Conference mentioned the International Coalition on Newspapers (ICON) website at as being a great place to look for International Newspapers online. Nancy checked the site and found the Australian Newspapers Digitization Program at which had several articles about the McKeen Motor Cars, but none that mentioned Edwin Pomeroy directly. This may be a good place to look for Mexican newspapers that might mention James Pomeroy McGuire who was buried in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1959. We’ll have to ask Alena for help with this as she is fluent in Spanish.
Nancy spent time this week entering new and old research into our various Pomeroy databases. She worked on the Charles H. Goodier family. Charles married Mary E. Pomeroy (Joseph S, John Spencer, John, Nathaniel, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) by 1867 and they had at least 10 children. The family lived in Osage County, KS according to the 1860, 1870 and 1880 US Federal Census records. The family was living in Irondale, Arapahoe Co., CO according to the 1900 US Federal Census. Nancy also entered research done on Caleb Pomeroy who married Phebe Strong and settled in Lewis and Jefferson Counties, NY. Rick just received copies of deeds ordered through the Lewis County Clerk’s office that contain deeds for Caleb. We’ll need to transcribe them and see if they tell us any new information. Also in this packet are the deeds for Pliny (Pliny, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and George Pomeroy (Pliny, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) – very exciting!
Nancy also entered research done on Noah Pomeroy (Daniel, Noah, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed), b. abt 1767 in West Springfield, MA who married Chloe Wheeler before 1805. The couple were granted a divorce on 10 Nov 1817 by the Chancery Court of the State of New York. Noah was living in Canaan, Columbia Co., NY according to the 1790 US Federal Census. He was a Lieutenant in the NY State Militia for Columbia County between 1793 and 1797 according to the book “Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821” compiled by Hugh Hastings and Henry Harmon Noble, (Albany, State of New York, 1901), where he is mentioned as being removed from the roll on 21 Mar 1797 as he had moved. Noah was living in Albany Co., NY in 1800 according to the US Federal Census. He was an inn holder on Court St. in Albany on 27 May 1802 and was active in the Republican party of the county. He became an insolvent debtor in 1812 and was listed again as an insolvent debtor in an Albany newspaper in 1818. He signed an affidavit concerning his father Dan’s service during the Revolutionary War on 3 Apr 1818 in Albany. We then find several notices for letters remaining in the New York City Post Office for a Noah Pomeroy on 1 Oct 1819, 1 Aug 1820 and 1 Sep 1820. There is also a letter remaining in the Baltimore, MD Post Office for a Noah Pomeroy on 15 Jan 1820. Is this the same Noah?
While entering information on Noah Pomeroy, husband of Chloe Wheeler, Nancy came across a newspaper article that had been cut off when printed. It was found on so Nancy checked the Newspapers on to print up a better copy of the article. When Nancy entered “Noah Pomeroy” in the search term she got a whole slew of results. Never one to be able to pass up a Pomeroy, Nancy printed all of the articles and matched them against our several Pomeroy databases. She found a large number of articles relating to the contesting of a will made by George H. Parker of California. George was in the clock making business with Noah Pomeroy (Hiram, John, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed), when the two lived in Bristol, CT. Noah married George’s sister Mary Jane Parker on 13 Jun 1843. Noah and Mary Jane were childless. When George’s first wife passed away, leaving a young son, Edward, George gave Edward to Noah and Mary Jane (Parker) Pomeroy to raise. George moved to California and amassed a fortune. His son Edward was originally named in George’s will, to receive upwards of $100,000. George later changed the will, leaving Edward a mere $300 a month for the rest of his life. Edward had married a woman named Emma, and died soon after the marriage. When George died, Emma contested the will. The San Jose Mercury reported on the court hearings extensively. Noah and “Jane” Pomeroy were called on as witnesses. Also listed in the will and the newspaper articles was Marshall Pomeroy, the brother-in-law of George Parker. Marshall Pomeroy was the son of Warren Pomeroy (Hiram, John, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed). Warren was an older brother of Noah Pomeroy. Warren’s eldest daughter, Delia Pomeroy, was the first wife of George H. Parker! Although A.A. Pomeroy noted that Delia married a George Parker, he did not mention a child of the union, nor did he connect George Parker and Mary Jane Parker as siblings. So, we now can add Edward Parker as a descendant of Eltweed!
Alena continued to enter the book “History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family and Collateral Lines England-Ireland-America Composing the Ancestors and Descendants of George Pomeroy of Pennsylvania by William McL and J. Nevin Pomeroy (Self published, 1958). She has finished the seventh generation through George’s daughter Mary, which was the largest group of families in the book so far.
Barb finished matching Pomeroys in the Connecticut Death Index database on and went back to reviewing America’s Historical Newspapers for Pomeroys. Some Pomeroys of interest in the papers were a Col. Pomeroy mentioned in an extract of a 1791 letter from the “Western Country” concerning problems with the Indians, a Robert Pomeroy in 1780 who was tried and convicted of murder, sentenced to be hanged. He was hanged at Burlington, NJ in July 1780. In 1784 a Ralph Pomeroy, Esq., was elected to represent the Society of the Cincinnati as a delegate to the General meeting, and last, but not least, the State Sloop Winthrop captured the privateer brig Merriam, commanded by Richard Pomeroy about September 23, 1782. Richard wasn’t one of our Maine mariners, was he?
Lee continued to match Pomeroys in Canadian marriage records and is passing them on to Ed and Betty to enter. Lee also started to arrange some of her Pomeroy research by subject matter, including Pomeroys & Anti-Slavery Efforts. She recently located a record that identifies Rev. Swan Lyman Pomeroy (Josiah, Josiah, Josiah, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) as an early member of the American Anti-Slavery Society who took active participation in the 1834 first anniversary meeting.
Alma L, one of our members, e-mailed Nancy about two Pomeroy children, Elizabeth Ann Pomeroy, born 1898 and Philip T Pomeroy, b. 1900 of Liverpool, UK, who were sent to Canada from England. Philip was a passenger on the SS Dominion which departed Liverpool for Portland, ME 25 Feb 1909, and Alma believes she found Elizabeth Ann Pomeroy on a list of Home Children sent to Canada. Nancy forwarded on this information to Lee, our Canadian Pomeroy researcher, and she has been looking into this. Lee hasn’t found anything concrete yet, but there is a child named Philip T Spencer who fits the description (right age and location). Lee is wondering whether Phillip Spencer is, in fact, Philip Pomeroy.
Ed has been reviewing online Maine newspapers to fill in a lot of gaps we have in our Unlinked Pomeroy database. He’s been concentrating on birth, marriage and death notifications.
Judy has been transcribing and entering various Pomeroy records into our databases, Nancy has given her the matched Pomeroys found in the 1861 Canadian Census. She has also been helping Lee research George Washington Pomeroy, who was discussed in detail in the previous week’s report. Nancy will be handing over the newspaper articles concerning the George Parker will to Judy to sort out and enter.
Betty continues to enter matched Pomeroys in the Social Security Death Index records into our various databases, she has also been helping Lee by entering Canadian Eltweed Pomeroy descendants into the Eltweed database.
Caryn, our new part-time genealogy researcher, started this week. Right now she’s been helping us catch up with a large backload of filing. Three cheers for Caryn!
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Nancy received the first draft of the inscription of the Lyons, NY monument from our monument contractor in Vermont. Once checked we will ask for full sized printouts – now those are fun! Work should start next week on the foundation for the monument. Contractors have been set up for shipping and installation of the monument. As soon as we have an installation date set, we’ll post it on our public site ( and our APHGA site. The Project Roots team is planning on a field trip to see the installation of the monument and visit the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY. If you have an opportunity to come to the installation, we’d love to meet you!
Rick continued to transcribe Wayne County deeds. He also searched and printed Sanborn Maps and identified the First Presbyterian Church in Lyons and surrounding structures including Village Lot 2 (Rev. Francis Pomeroy’s lot).
The Pomeroy Collection
Nancy added several atlases to our library this past week. Included were topographical maps of NY, MA and MD, along with a Road Atlas of the US.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Nancy, Barb, Pat, Rick and Lee attended the Mary Ann Coe project meeting last Tuesday. We discussed research methods that we learned at the Central New York Genealogical Association’s Fall Conference featuring Meldon Wolfgang III. We have decided to look at Norwalk, OH, Mary Ann’s home from abt 1825 to abt 1845 with the same attention to detail that we used when researching Pompey and Manlius, NY. We’ll be looking at the early inhabitants of Norwalk to see if we can identify whether any of these people came from Pompey, Manlius or LeRoy, NY. We’re looking to identify chain migration patterns and connections. We would like to figure out why Mary Ann moved to Norwalk.
Mary Ann’s uncle, Luther Coe, was one of the early settlers of New Haven, OH. He would have surely known David and Lemuel Powers, brothers who were also early settlers of New Haven. David married Mary Ann in 1833. Were they introduced by Luther Coe? Did Mary Ann live with her uncle Luther prior to moving to Norwalk? Letters remaining in the New Haven, OH Post Office for Mary Ann’s father, Ithamar Coe in October 1823 and June 1824 indicate that Ithamar may have visited New Haven prior to that time period. Was he visiting his brother Luther? Did he travel with Mary Ann to Ohio? When Mary Ann petitioned the Ohio Supreme Court for a divorce from Spencer Pomeroy in August 1823 she would have had to go to Norwalk, OH, as this is where the County Courthouse was (and still is) located. Could this have had anything to do with her later buying property on inlot 6 in Norwalk from Edward Pettit on 6 Jul 1825? The deed for the property identifies Mary Ann as living in Norwalk, OH. When did she first move there?
Meldon Wolfgang had suggested that when researching an individual, to make note of all of the important dates within that person’s life, such as marriage, children’s births, parent’s death, occupation and residence changes, etc., and to look closely at the people around that individual during that time. For example, who were the administrator’s of the person’s father’s will, where are the siblings located, who were the witnesses to the person’s marriage or marriages, who were the witnesses to the baptism of children? By looking at these people we may find relationships that were previously unknown to us.
Barb will be looking at the holdings of the Western Reserve Historical Society. Rick will be looking for early records of Elisha Whittlesey, the surveyor who laid out the town of Norwalk. Lee will be looking for Church records in New Haven, OH and Pat will be looking at the early inhabitants of Norwalk and New Haven, based on the 1820 and 1830 US Federal Census records and seeing if she can trace any of these heads of household back to Pompey, Manlius or LeRoy, NY. Nancy will familiarize herself with the databases available at the Syracuse University Library and will continue to work on abstracting the Millard Fillmore collection letters.
Rick reviewed Sanborn Maps for Norwalk, OH and printed the maps that show inlot 6 (Mary Ann’s property) and inlot 26 (Benjamin Junkins’ property). He also printed the Sanborn Maps that show lots 52 and 54 in Sandusky, OH which David Powers owned. The maps show the Trinity ME Church on the property before 1905 and a US Post Office on the lot before 1950. Rick was able to find the location of David’s lots on the Erie Co., OH GIS site. The property on the corner of Washington St (lots 52 and 54) is now the site of the Merry-Go-Round Museum (how fitting!) He was also able to locate lot 28 on Hancock and Madison Streets. Rick checked but there are no Sanborn Maps available for New Haven or Milan, OH nor are there maps for Pompey or Paris, NY. Although there are Sanborn maps for LeRoy, NY, there are none for the outlying region which is where we believe Ithamar Coe (Mary Ann's father) lived. Rick also researched the surveyors of the Craigie Tract in Genesee County.
Lee initiated a search of early churches in Norwalk Ohio. She checked the Firelands Pioneer index for churches, and e-mailed the Firelands Historical Society regarding specific issues of publication detailing early churches. She also checked the Western Reserve Historical Society’s holdings and passed along some items she found to Nancy. Lee also contacted the NY State Library regarding finding aids and inventories of some local collections.
Pat continued to enter research on the Coe families into our Eltweed database. She has been researching Dr. George A. Coe, Jennie Landon Coe, Harper Allison Coe, Lodema Coe and Carlos C. Coe. Pat also printed lists of Norwalk and New Haven heads of households from the 1820 and 1830 US Federal Census and has started to add those names into a spreadsheet so she can track her findings. She also continued to research the Sharp family. Salmon Sharp was the administrator of Edward Pettit’s estate. A John V. Sharp purchased Benjamin Junkins’ cabinetmaker’s shop.
Pat also reviewed collections on OhioLINK to determine if their holdings are the same as the holdings at the Family History Library. Pat has identified several early churches near New Haven, OH which records are available on microfilm from the Family History Library. She will order these to see if we can find any reference of Mary Ann Coe and family. Pat found that the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center has collections for Sandusky and Norwalk businessmen (John Gardiner, John G. Camp, Jr., William Kelly and Zalman Wildman), for the early to mid 1800s. Pat started to research these businessmen to see if there may be any connections to Mary Ann Coe, David Powers, Benjamin Junkins, et al.
Judy completed her review of PERSI in conjunction with planning a trip to the Ft. Wayne Library. She also completed the transcription of the Edward Pettit Probate record.
We have added 276 people, 83 sources and 1521 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
APHGA's Weekly Report 10/20/2009
The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Lee, Barb, Bill and Nancy attended the Central New York Genealogical Society’s Fall Conference on Saturday. Guest speaker Meldon J. Wolfgang III gave three presentations: “Sleuthing in the Stacks: Using Uncommon Resources to Uncover Genealogical Clues”, “Researching Birds of a Feather, How Cluster and Group Studies Can Help Put New Leaves On Your Family Tree”, and “Beyond the Basics, Techniques for Newspaper Research”. At $20 for visitors, and free to members, the CNYGS put on a great conference. To learn more about the CNYGS visit their website at . If you ever get an opportunity to attend a lecture by Meldon Wolfgang, do it! To learn more about Meldon, visit his website at .
A quick check of our website statistics showed increased interest in our blog. We have had 100 unique visitors to the blog since its creation last month! 69% of our viewers were referred from other sites, including the APHGA site, The APHGA’s public site at: , Facebook and Cyndi’s list. The APHGA public site is maintaining an average of 28 unique visitors per day, with referrals coming from our blog, the Pomeroy Family Association, Jill Hurst’s blog, Wayne County Life, Rootsweb and forums and Don Pleska’s site.
Nancy reviewed the US Patents database on for Pomeroys, and found 616 potential matches! We’ll have to spend some time collecting this data. Nancy moved a large family that was in our Unlinked Pomeroy database into our George Pomeroy database. Nancy also completed the APHGA’s first direct mailing. We targeted Pomeroys who were Ham radio operators. Bill is also a Ham radio operator (WA2LEY) and we wrote a nice letter introducing Bill and the APGHA. We also enclosed our new tri-fold brochure. We’re hoping for a good response and will let you know what happens. Our next step will be to try a larger mailing.
Nancy heard from several new Pomeroy descendants and researchers, including Jill G., a descendant of Mary E. Pomeroy who married Charles H. Goodier. Mary E. Pomeroy (Joseph, John Spencer, John, Nathaniel, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) was born abt 1848 in VT, and married Charles Goodier by 1868. The family lived in Burlingame, Osage Co., KS in 1880 and in Irondale, Arapahoe Co., CO in 1900, according to the U.S. Federal Census. It appears that Charles died before 1910 as Mary was listed as a widow in the U.S. Federal Census. She was living with her son Clarence T. Goodier and his family in Oakley, Logan Co., KS. If anyone is related to this family, please let me know so I can let Jill know.
Nancy also received an e-mail from Kathryn S., a descendant of Caleb Pomeroy, b. abt 1777 in MA, who married Phebe Strong ca 1805. Phebe was born abt 1782 in MA. Caleb was an early resident of Lewis County, NY according to the 1810, 1820 and 1830 US Federal Census, identified as living in the town of Denmark in 1820 and 1830. According to the 1840 and 1850 US Federal Census, Caleb and family were living in Antwerp, Jefferson Co., NY. Phebe died 25 Jan 1852 and was buried in the Bacon Cemetery in Antwerp. The transcription of Town of Antwerp Cemetery inscriptions on the USGenWeb Jefferson County site states that she was the wife of Caleb and was 71years old at the time of her death. We have not been able to find a date of death or final resting place for Caleb Pomeroy.
Additional records for Caleb Pomeroy were found in the database “War of 1812 Service Records”. A Caleb Pomeroy was a member of the 101 Regiment (Cartter’s), New York Militia. His rank at induction was Sergeant; his rank at discharge was Ensign. We also found on the Jefferson County, NY GenWeb site the “Muster Roll of Capt. John McNitt’s Company of Militia of the State of New York, Under Command of Lt. Col. Zebean Carter from Oct 11, 1814 to Nov. 19, 1814, Troops in the War of 1812”, transcribed by Florence Secor. Under Capt. William Root’s Co., Oct. 11, 1814 to Nov. 19, 1814 was found “Caleb Pomeroy Ensign”. The database “U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1940” listed “Caleb Pomeroy, muster date 1803, rank Private”. The image of the original record lists the “Return of the Detachment of Marines delivered by Lieut Geddes to Lt. Porter”. A quick search of Lieutenants Geddes and Porter on Google didn’t clarify matters – we will have to look into this at greater length because there is no indication of where these troops served. The book “Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821”, compiled and edited by Hugh Hastings and Henry Harmon Noble, (Albany, State of New York, 1901) on page 1596 listed “Caleb Pomeroy, vice Broadway, do;” as an Ensign in the 101st Regiment, Lewis County in 1815. I believe the “vice Broadway” means that he replaced an Ensign Broadway. Daniel Cobb was listed as the Lieutenant Colonel, “vice Carter, resigned”. On page 1828 Caleb Pomeroy was listed as Captain of the 101st Regiment, Lewis County in 1817.
So far we have not been able to find two Caleb Pomeroys of the right age in Vermont and New York at the same time, which makes it probable that the Caleb Pomeroy b abt 1777 in MA who married Phebe Strong and lived in Lewis and Jefferson Counties in NY is the same as Caleb Pomeroy (Caleb, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) b. abt 1776 who married Mary Stratton of Vermont, whose child Caleb Stratton Pomeroy was b. 7 Jul 1797, in probably Vershire, Orange Co., VT. Did Mary (Stratton) Pomeroy die young and did Caleb remarry? The only odd thing is that if Caleb who married Phebe Strong is the Caleb who married Mary Stratton, why would he name two sons Caleb S. Pomeroy? The older Caleb S(tratton) Pomeroy was alive when the younger Caleb S(trong) Pomeroy was born. There is, though, a strong tradition of naming sons Caleb in this family!
Another interesting piece of information we found on this family comes from a GEDCOM posted on, entitled “Zehm Genealogy”. This GEDCOM associates Charles Smith Pomeroy as a second son of Caleb Pomeroy and Mary Stratton. According to Bill [Zehm?], Charles was born 21 Aug 1815 and was adopted by Joshua Pomeroy (Gideon, Joshua, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) and his first wife Rachel Strong. If Caleb Pomeroy who married Mary Stratton was the same Caleb Pomeroy who married Phebe Strong, I don’t think Charles Smith Pomeroy could be his child by Mary as he was likely married to Phebe Strong before 1810, based on the age of the children in his household according to the 1810 US Federal Census.
As if we need further evidence of serendipity in genealogical research (thanks Hank Jones!), when we checked the deed indexes for Lewis County in our research of the Pliny Pomeroy family, we found deeds for Caleb Pomeroy. Rick organized the deeds we wish to order from Lewis County and wrote a letter to the County Clerk’s office requesting an estimate of the cost for copies. Perhaps these deeds will provide more information about Caleb. We’ll keep you posted!
Nancy and Judy spent time entering Pomeroy research into our various databases. Nancy concentrated on Caleb Pomeroy research. Judy has been catching up on a lot of odds and ends research and Canadian Census records.
Judy and Lee worked together researching George Washington Pomeroy (George A., Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb) who was born abt 1837 in Upper Canada and moved to Muskegon, Muskegon Co., MI by 20 Sep 1871 when he married Mary Ann Giles. Judy has ordered George’s naturalization record from the Archives of Michigan in order to get a better idea when he left Canada.
Betty continued to enter Social Security Death Index records into our Pomeroy databases. She created folders for entered records. Betty also entered records relating to Ransom Pomeroy, a brother of George Washington Pomeroy (above) who Lee had been researching. Betty is currently entering Pomeroys found in the database “Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924”.
Ed’s Maine Pomeroy research and data-entry has shifted to reviewing Maine newspaper records online. Some of the more interesting articles he has found include a Pomeroy Ham radio buff who died in 1939, and article on a Pomeroy who drowned and another who was shot on a hunting trip (we later learned he survived the injury, phew!)
Barb split her time this week between matching Pomeroys in the database “New England Marriages Prior to 1700”, and “Connecticut Death Indices 1949-2001”, and reviewing Pomeroys found on America’s Historical Newspapers, available to NYS Historians through the NYS Library website. Some interesting articles include one from the Connecticut Journal dated 19 Nov 1773 “Last Thursday the Company of Military Adventurers met in this Place agreeable to Adjournment, when the unanimously voted that they would pursue the most vigorous Measures to carry on the Settlement of the Lands in West Florida, reserved for them by the Government [England] as soon as possible. Ralph Pomeroy was mentioned as being named Clerk of said Company. We believe the Ralph Pomeroy mentioned was the son of Benjamin and Abigail (Wheelock) Pomeroy (Benjamin, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed). Ralph would later go on to be a Lieutenant fighting with Connecticut in the Revolution and the Deputy Quartermaster General in Hartford, CT in May 1781.
Another article mentions a “Mr. Pomeroy” (that sound was the collective groan of our research team!) From The Statesman, dated 30 Dec 1812, headlined “Zanesville”: “A Mr. Dorastus Snow, one of the inhabitants who fled from Lower Sandusky after Hull’s surrender and now residing in Clinton, informs us that a party of nine men, including himself, had returned to the settlement, on the 15th November were engaged in digging potatoes, while one man stood centry [sic]. A party of 17 Indians approached undiscovered, and fired on them, killed a Mr. Pomeroy, and wounded a Mr. Shannon. The whites then retreated, and the Indians came forward and scalped Mr. Pomeroy. While scalping him, the whites stole up under cover of a marsh, fired on them and killed three Indians, at the same time yelling out for the others to head them. The Indians fled precipitately and left six rifles, which were taken together with three scalps. Mr. Shannon is expected to recover.” Does anyone have a clue as to who this unfortunate Mr. Pomeroy was?
And lastly, from the New York Daily Times, dated 1 Mar 1852, was a long article concerning the showering and yoking of prisoners. One quote is from Charles W. Pomeroy (Watrous, Charles, Noah, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed), agent of the Auburn, NY prison: “The abuse of the shower-bath, in improper hands, is more injurious than the abuse of the cat. The bat is more likely to injure the health of a convict than the cat. I have no doubt but that the minds of convicts have been impaired, and in some cases ruined by the bath. I have no objections to a proper use of the bath.” (He would have made a good politician!) For more about NY State prison reform visit the NYS Corrections History Org.’s website at .
Lee finished researching Ransom/David R. Pomeroy, brother of George Washington Pomeroy (above). Ransom/David R. was born in Canada May 1840. He was in Turtle, Rock Co., WI by 2 Jul 1860 where he appeared in the Joseph Post household according to the 1860 US Federal Census. He enlisted as a quartermaster Sergeant in the 12th Regt. Illinois Cavalry, Co. A on 12 Jul 1861 and mustered out or deserted 29 Jul 1862. This is interesting as one record,’s database of “American Civil War Soldiers” lists him as deserted, while their database “US Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles” lists him as mustered out. Ransom/David R. goes on to become a dentist in Plano, Kendal Co., IL where he lived with wife Loretta V, prior to moving to Little Rock, Kendall Co., IL. He died, we assume, prior to 11 Jan 1920 on which date his wife identified herself as a widow in the 1920 US Federal Census. Is anyone else researching this family? We’d love to know the truth about Ransom’s service.
Lee prepared marriage record data from the Canada database of Cramahe/Northumberland Pomeroys and matched Pomeroys found in this database. She is re-checking her previous Cramahe/Northumberland research to see if she can find additional Pomeroy family connections.
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Nancy and Rick spent some time looking at the Van Wickle Survey map of early Lyons, NY which shows the proximity of Village Lot 2 to Village Lot 1. Nancy communicated with the Lyons First Presbyterian Church and to our monument contractor regarding the installation of a Pomeroy Anvil Monument at the Church.
Rick continued to transcribe Lyons County, NY deeds and mortgages that Nancy found at the County Clerk’s Office. These deeds trace the land transactions of Village Lot 2 which was formerly owned by Rev. Francis Pomeroy (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and sold after his death. The property was subdivided and sold frequently. We are trying to use these deeds to identify where Rev. Francis Pomeroy’s house would have stood.
The Pomeroy Collection
No new accessions this week. Nancy spent a small amount of time organizing digital photographs of the model of the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, N.Y.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Nancy continued to abstract the letters that we had photographed and transcribed from the Millard Fillmore collection at the Penfield Library, SUNY Oswego. When completed, Nancy’s database will contain the names, dates and brief information of people mentioned in these letters.
Judy received the Edward Pettit Probate record from Huron County, OH. She transcribed these records and noticed that the file did not appear to be complete, as there was no inventory or final accounting. Judy checked with the County Clerk’s Office and was able to order additional records relating to Edward Pettit’s estate found in the Court of Common Pleas Journals. Edward Pettit sold property on inlot 6 in Norwalk, OH to Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy on 6 July 1825. Edward Pettit died 21 Apr 1826 in Norwalk, OH. Mary Ann purchased the rest of the property on inlot 6 from Edward Pettit’s heirs on 18 Jul 1826. According to Huron County, OH tax records, the Estate of Edward Pettit continued to pay taxes on this property through 1832 (we have ordered the tax records for 1833-1834). If Mary Ann purchased this property, why wasn’t she paying taxes? Was there an unfiled or personal mortgage which she was paying off prior to ownership? We were hoping to find this information in Edward Pettit’s probate records. One interesting note relating to this probate record was the appointment of a new administrator to the estate in 1908! The estate had not been settled because of an outstanding mortgage given by Leverett Bradley to Salmon Sharp (the then administrator of the estate) executed 27 Jul 1826 to secure payment of a loan of $157.50. The mortgage had never been cancelled, but Ben B. Wickham, the newly appointed administrator of this estate closed the books on this entry, believing that the loan had been paid and discharged. Ben Breckenridge Wickham was the son of Lt. Frederick C. and Susan C. (Adams) Wickham. Lt. Frederick C. Wickham was the son of Judge Frederick and Lucy Bancroft (Preston) Wickham. Lucy Bancroft (Preston) Wickham was the daughter of Samuel Preston. Samuel Preston and Daniel Raitt were the sureties who pledged $800 to enable Mary Ann (Coe) (Pomeroy) Junkins to be co-administrator of Benjamin Junkins’ estate on 25 Oct 1830. Mary Ann’s son Francis W. Pomeroy worked in 1830 for the Huron Reflector, the local Norwalk newspaper owned by Samuel Preston. Samuel Preston was the Justice of the Peace who married Mary Ann (Coe) (Pomeroy) Junkins to David Powers on 21 May 1833. Small world? Perhaps.
Judy continued to check PERSI for articles relating to our Mary Ann Coe research.
Pat completed revising the original transcription of the Benjamin Junkins Estate Papers and Letters of Administration and entered that information into our Eltweed database, including facts for John V. Sharp, Judge David Higgins, Hallet Gallup, Daniel G. Raitt and Samuel Preston. She also added a newspaper clipping of John G. Taylor’s marriage to Maryann Harvey/Hovey, a journal article from the Firelands Pioneer about Macksville, Huron Co., OH which mentions John G. Taylor, a patent for Carlos C. Coe, a newspaper article listing Martin O. Coe as Grand Juror and foreman in 1846 and an 1850 US Federal Census record for Horace A. Coe.
Pat researched Horace A. Coe, prominent dentist in Jefferson County, NY and brother of Prof. C.C. Coe, the balloonist. His bio confirms that the family moved “west” to Ohio about 1837, but returned to Oneida Co., NY after the death of their father, Lester Coe. Pat also entered an obituary for Mary Etta Carpenter Coe, wife of Horace A. Coe, two bios of George A. and Horace A. Coe, and five newspaper articles that referred to Carlos C. Coe.
We have added 17 people, 74 sources and 389 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week. This number seems extremely low, but is due to the fact that we have merged a large family that was in our Unlinked Pomeroy database into our George Pomeroy database.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
Lee, Barb, Bill and Nancy attended the Central New York Genealogical Society’s Fall Conference on Saturday. Guest speaker Meldon J. Wolfgang III gave three presentations: “Sleuthing in the Stacks: Using Uncommon Resources to Uncover Genealogical Clues”, “Researching Birds of a Feather, How Cluster and Group Studies Can Help Put New Leaves On Your Family Tree”, and “Beyond the Basics, Techniques for Newspaper Research”. At $20 for visitors, and free to members, the CNYGS put on a great conference. To learn more about the CNYGS visit their website at . If you ever get an opportunity to attend a lecture by Meldon Wolfgang, do it! To learn more about Meldon, visit his website at .
A quick check of our website statistics showed increased interest in our blog. We have had 100 unique visitors to the blog since its creation last month! 69% of our viewers were referred from other sites, including the APHGA site, The APHGA’s public site at: , Facebook and Cyndi’s list. The APHGA public site is maintaining an average of 28 unique visitors per day, with referrals coming from our blog, the Pomeroy Family Association, Jill Hurst’s blog, Wayne County Life, Rootsweb and forums and Don Pleska’s site.
Nancy reviewed the US Patents database on for Pomeroys, and found 616 potential matches! We’ll have to spend some time collecting this data. Nancy moved a large family that was in our Unlinked Pomeroy database into our George Pomeroy database. Nancy also completed the APHGA’s first direct mailing. We targeted Pomeroys who were Ham radio operators. Bill is also a Ham radio operator (WA2LEY) and we wrote a nice letter introducing Bill and the APGHA. We also enclosed our new tri-fold brochure. We’re hoping for a good response and will let you know what happens. Our next step will be to try a larger mailing.
Nancy heard from several new Pomeroy descendants and researchers, including Jill G., a descendant of Mary E. Pomeroy who married Charles H. Goodier. Mary E. Pomeroy (Joseph, John Spencer, John, Nathaniel, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed) was born abt 1848 in VT, and married Charles Goodier by 1868. The family lived in Burlingame, Osage Co., KS in 1880 and in Irondale, Arapahoe Co., CO in 1900, according to the U.S. Federal Census. It appears that Charles died before 1910 as Mary was listed as a widow in the U.S. Federal Census. She was living with her son Clarence T. Goodier and his family in Oakley, Logan Co., KS. If anyone is related to this family, please let me know so I can let Jill know.
Nancy also received an e-mail from Kathryn S., a descendant of Caleb Pomeroy, b. abt 1777 in MA, who married Phebe Strong ca 1805. Phebe was born abt 1782 in MA. Caleb was an early resident of Lewis County, NY according to the 1810, 1820 and 1830 US Federal Census, identified as living in the town of Denmark in 1820 and 1830. According to the 1840 and 1850 US Federal Census, Caleb and family were living in Antwerp, Jefferson Co., NY. Phebe died 25 Jan 1852 and was buried in the Bacon Cemetery in Antwerp. The transcription of Town of Antwerp Cemetery inscriptions on the USGenWeb Jefferson County site states that she was the wife of Caleb and was 71years old at the time of her death. We have not been able to find a date of death or final resting place for Caleb Pomeroy.
Additional records for Caleb Pomeroy were found in the database “War of 1812 Service Records”. A Caleb Pomeroy was a member of the 101 Regiment (Cartter’s), New York Militia. His rank at induction was Sergeant; his rank at discharge was Ensign. We also found on the Jefferson County, NY GenWeb site the “Muster Roll of Capt. John McNitt’s Company of Militia of the State of New York, Under Command of Lt. Col. Zebean Carter from Oct 11, 1814 to Nov. 19, 1814, Troops in the War of 1812”, transcribed by Florence Secor. Under Capt. William Root’s Co., Oct. 11, 1814 to Nov. 19, 1814 was found “Caleb Pomeroy Ensign”. The database “U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1940” listed “Caleb Pomeroy, muster date 1803, rank Private”. The image of the original record lists the “Return of the Detachment of Marines delivered by Lieut Geddes to Lt. Porter”. A quick search of Lieutenants Geddes and Porter on Google didn’t clarify matters – we will have to look into this at greater length because there is no indication of where these troops served. The book “Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821”, compiled and edited by Hugh Hastings and Henry Harmon Noble, (Albany, State of New York, 1901) on page 1596 listed “Caleb Pomeroy, vice Broadway, do;” as an Ensign in the 101st Regiment, Lewis County in 1815. I believe the “vice Broadway” means that he replaced an Ensign Broadway. Daniel Cobb was listed as the Lieutenant Colonel, “vice Carter, resigned”. On page 1828 Caleb Pomeroy was listed as Captain of the 101st Regiment, Lewis County in 1817.
So far we have not been able to find two Caleb Pomeroys of the right age in Vermont and New York at the same time, which makes it probable that the Caleb Pomeroy b abt 1777 in MA who married Phebe Strong and lived in Lewis and Jefferson Counties in NY is the same as Caleb Pomeroy (Caleb, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) b. abt 1776 who married Mary Stratton of Vermont, whose child Caleb Stratton Pomeroy was b. 7 Jul 1797, in probably Vershire, Orange Co., VT. Did Mary (Stratton) Pomeroy die young and did Caleb remarry? The only odd thing is that if Caleb who married Phebe Strong is the Caleb who married Mary Stratton, why would he name two sons Caleb S. Pomeroy? The older Caleb S(tratton) Pomeroy was alive when the younger Caleb S(trong) Pomeroy was born. There is, though, a strong tradition of naming sons Caleb in this family!
Another interesting piece of information we found on this family comes from a GEDCOM posted on, entitled “Zehm Genealogy”. This GEDCOM associates Charles Smith Pomeroy as a second son of Caleb Pomeroy and Mary Stratton. According to Bill [Zehm?], Charles was born 21 Aug 1815 and was adopted by Joshua Pomeroy (Gideon, Joshua, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) and his first wife Rachel Strong. If Caleb Pomeroy who married Mary Stratton was the same Caleb Pomeroy who married Phebe Strong, I don’t think Charles Smith Pomeroy could be his child by Mary as he was likely married to Phebe Strong before 1810, based on the age of the children in his household according to the 1810 US Federal Census.
As if we need further evidence of serendipity in genealogical research (thanks Hank Jones!), when we checked the deed indexes for Lewis County in our research of the Pliny Pomeroy family, we found deeds for Caleb Pomeroy. Rick organized the deeds we wish to order from Lewis County and wrote a letter to the County Clerk’s office requesting an estimate of the cost for copies. Perhaps these deeds will provide more information about Caleb. We’ll keep you posted!
Nancy and Judy spent time entering Pomeroy research into our various databases. Nancy concentrated on Caleb Pomeroy research. Judy has been catching up on a lot of odds and ends research and Canadian Census records.
Judy and Lee worked together researching George Washington Pomeroy (George A., Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb) who was born abt 1837 in Upper Canada and moved to Muskegon, Muskegon Co., MI by 20 Sep 1871 when he married Mary Ann Giles. Judy has ordered George’s naturalization record from the Archives of Michigan in order to get a better idea when he left Canada.
Betty continued to enter Social Security Death Index records into our Pomeroy databases. She created folders for entered records. Betty also entered records relating to Ransom Pomeroy, a brother of George Washington Pomeroy (above) who Lee had been researching. Betty is currently entering Pomeroys found in the database “Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924”.
Ed’s Maine Pomeroy research and data-entry has shifted to reviewing Maine newspaper records online. Some of the more interesting articles he has found include a Pomeroy Ham radio buff who died in 1939, and article on a Pomeroy who drowned and another who was shot on a hunting trip (we later learned he survived the injury, phew!)
Barb split her time this week between matching Pomeroys in the database “New England Marriages Prior to 1700”, and “Connecticut Death Indices 1949-2001”, and reviewing Pomeroys found on America’s Historical Newspapers, available to NYS Historians through the NYS Library website. Some interesting articles include one from the Connecticut Journal dated 19 Nov 1773 “Last Thursday the Company of Military Adventurers met in this Place agreeable to Adjournment, when the unanimously voted that they would pursue the most vigorous Measures to carry on the Settlement of the Lands in West Florida, reserved for them by the Government [England] as soon as possible. Ralph Pomeroy was mentioned as being named Clerk of said Company. We believe the Ralph Pomeroy mentioned was the son of Benjamin and Abigail (Wheelock) Pomeroy (Benjamin, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed). Ralph would later go on to be a Lieutenant fighting with Connecticut in the Revolution and the Deputy Quartermaster General in Hartford, CT in May 1781.
Another article mentions a “Mr. Pomeroy” (that sound was the collective groan of our research team!) From The Statesman, dated 30 Dec 1812, headlined “Zanesville”: “A Mr. Dorastus Snow, one of the inhabitants who fled from Lower Sandusky after Hull’s surrender and now residing in Clinton, informs us that a party of nine men, including himself, had returned to the settlement, on the 15th November were engaged in digging potatoes, while one man stood centry [sic]. A party of 17 Indians approached undiscovered, and fired on them, killed a Mr. Pomeroy, and wounded a Mr. Shannon. The whites then retreated, and the Indians came forward and scalped Mr. Pomeroy. While scalping him, the whites stole up under cover of a marsh, fired on them and killed three Indians, at the same time yelling out for the others to head them. The Indians fled precipitately and left six rifles, which were taken together with three scalps. Mr. Shannon is expected to recover.” Does anyone have a clue as to who this unfortunate Mr. Pomeroy was?
And lastly, from the New York Daily Times, dated 1 Mar 1852, was a long article concerning the showering and yoking of prisoners. One quote is from Charles W. Pomeroy (Watrous, Charles, Noah, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed), agent of the Auburn, NY prison: “The abuse of the shower-bath, in improper hands, is more injurious than the abuse of the cat. The bat is more likely to injure the health of a convict than the cat. I have no doubt but that the minds of convicts have been impaired, and in some cases ruined by the bath. I have no objections to a proper use of the bath.” (He would have made a good politician!) For more about NY State prison reform visit the NYS Corrections History Org.’s website at .
Lee finished researching Ransom/David R. Pomeroy, brother of George Washington Pomeroy (above). Ransom/David R. was born in Canada May 1840. He was in Turtle, Rock Co., WI by 2 Jul 1860 where he appeared in the Joseph Post household according to the 1860 US Federal Census. He enlisted as a quartermaster Sergeant in the 12th Regt. Illinois Cavalry, Co. A on 12 Jul 1861 and mustered out or deserted 29 Jul 1862. This is interesting as one record,’s database of “American Civil War Soldiers” lists him as deserted, while their database “US Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles” lists him as mustered out. Ransom/David R. goes on to become a dentist in Plano, Kendal Co., IL where he lived with wife Loretta V, prior to moving to Little Rock, Kendall Co., IL. He died, we assume, prior to 11 Jan 1920 on which date his wife identified herself as a widow in the 1920 US Federal Census. Is anyone else researching this family? We’d love to know the truth about Ransom’s service.
Lee prepared marriage record data from the Canada database of Cramahe/Northumberland Pomeroys and matched Pomeroys found in this database. She is re-checking her previous Cramahe/Northumberland research to see if she can find additional Pomeroy family connections.
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Nancy and Rick spent some time looking at the Van Wickle Survey map of early Lyons, NY which shows the proximity of Village Lot 2 to Village Lot 1. Nancy communicated with the Lyons First Presbyterian Church and to our monument contractor regarding the installation of a Pomeroy Anvil Monument at the Church.
Rick continued to transcribe Lyons County, NY deeds and mortgages that Nancy found at the County Clerk’s Office. These deeds trace the land transactions of Village Lot 2 which was formerly owned by Rev. Francis Pomeroy (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) and sold after his death. The property was subdivided and sold frequently. We are trying to use these deeds to identify where Rev. Francis Pomeroy’s house would have stood.
The Pomeroy Collection
No new accessions this week. Nancy spent a small amount of time organizing digital photographs of the model of the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, N.Y.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Nancy continued to abstract the letters that we had photographed and transcribed from the Millard Fillmore collection at the Penfield Library, SUNY Oswego. When completed, Nancy’s database will contain the names, dates and brief information of people mentioned in these letters.
Judy received the Edward Pettit Probate record from Huron County, OH. She transcribed these records and noticed that the file did not appear to be complete, as there was no inventory or final accounting. Judy checked with the County Clerk’s Office and was able to order additional records relating to Edward Pettit’s estate found in the Court of Common Pleas Journals. Edward Pettit sold property on inlot 6 in Norwalk, OH to Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy on 6 July 1825. Edward Pettit died 21 Apr 1826 in Norwalk, OH. Mary Ann purchased the rest of the property on inlot 6 from Edward Pettit’s heirs on 18 Jul 1826. According to Huron County, OH tax records, the Estate of Edward Pettit continued to pay taxes on this property through 1832 (we have ordered the tax records for 1833-1834). If Mary Ann purchased this property, why wasn’t she paying taxes? Was there an unfiled or personal mortgage which she was paying off prior to ownership? We were hoping to find this information in Edward Pettit’s probate records. One interesting note relating to this probate record was the appointment of a new administrator to the estate in 1908! The estate had not been settled because of an outstanding mortgage given by Leverett Bradley to Salmon Sharp (the then administrator of the estate) executed 27 Jul 1826 to secure payment of a loan of $157.50. The mortgage had never been cancelled, but Ben B. Wickham, the newly appointed administrator of this estate closed the books on this entry, believing that the loan had been paid and discharged. Ben Breckenridge Wickham was the son of Lt. Frederick C. and Susan C. (Adams) Wickham. Lt. Frederick C. Wickham was the son of Judge Frederick and Lucy Bancroft (Preston) Wickham. Lucy Bancroft (Preston) Wickham was the daughter of Samuel Preston. Samuel Preston and Daniel Raitt were the sureties who pledged $800 to enable Mary Ann (Coe) (Pomeroy) Junkins to be co-administrator of Benjamin Junkins’ estate on 25 Oct 1830. Mary Ann’s son Francis W. Pomeroy worked in 1830 for the Huron Reflector, the local Norwalk newspaper owned by Samuel Preston. Samuel Preston was the Justice of the Peace who married Mary Ann (Coe) (Pomeroy) Junkins to David Powers on 21 May 1833. Small world? Perhaps.
Judy continued to check PERSI for articles relating to our Mary Ann Coe research.
Pat completed revising the original transcription of the Benjamin Junkins Estate Papers and Letters of Administration and entered that information into our Eltweed database, including facts for John V. Sharp, Judge David Higgins, Hallet Gallup, Daniel G. Raitt and Samuel Preston. She also added a newspaper clipping of John G. Taylor’s marriage to Maryann Harvey/Hovey, a journal article from the Firelands Pioneer about Macksville, Huron Co., OH which mentions John G. Taylor, a patent for Carlos C. Coe, a newspaper article listing Martin O. Coe as Grand Juror and foreman in 1846 and an 1850 US Federal Census record for Horace A. Coe.
Pat researched Horace A. Coe, prominent dentist in Jefferson County, NY and brother of Prof. C.C. Coe, the balloonist. His bio confirms that the family moved “west” to Ohio about 1837, but returned to Oneida Co., NY after the death of their father, Lester Coe. Pat also entered an obituary for Mary Etta Carpenter Coe, wife of Horace A. Coe, two bios of George A. and Horace A. Coe, and five newspaper articles that referred to Carlos C. Coe.
We have added 17 people, 74 sources and 389 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week. This number seems extremely low, but is due to the fact that we have merged a large family that was in our Unlinked Pomeroy database into our George Pomeroy database.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
APHGA Weekly Report 10/13/2009
The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Lee continued her research into the sons of George A. Pomeroy (Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) and his wife Rebecca Palmer, to identify which of these migrated back to the USA from Canada. Two of these sons, Ransom and Horace, are listed as deserters from the Union Army during the Civil War. Horace returned to Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada, while Ransom stayed in the States where he became a dentist, going under the name of David R. Pomeroy. Lee will be handing off her research to Betty to enter into the Eltweed Pomeroy database.
Lee has also been collecting research on Pomeroy abolitionists. We need to get this information added to our databases!
Ed continued to trace a Maine Pomeroy family that branched out into Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona and Oregon. He has been entering the research he has done on this family into our Unlinked Pomeroy database.
Betty continued to enter exact match Pomeroy Social Security Death Index records into our various Pomeroy databases. She continued to review the family information in the databases for missing census information. She also filed the records she has entered. We have twelve four-drawer FireKing file cabinets, the majority of which are filled with research for the APHGA and the Mary Ann Coe project!
Barb helped the William G. Pomeroy foundation review grants for historic markers in Onondaga County, NY. She also continued her review of online newspapers available to NY State Town and County Historians via the New York State Library website. Interesting articles found by Barb this week include Mr. C[harles] Pomeroy who was a merchant in Montgomery, AL and an agent for the Rock Island Letter Paper; a Simeon Pomeroy who “had but one arm”; and Charles R. Pomeroy involved with the salt mine in Pomeroy, OH. who stated that “The water at Pomeroy is stronger than any this side of Onondago (sic), New York.” An article in a Salt Lake City paper in 1852 mentioned “Martin, Pomeroy & Co’s wagons and stock are among the first and progressing beyond their most imagine (sic) expectations.” Was this Francis Martin Pomeroy (Martin, Jude, John, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed)?
An article from the Court Calendar in Boston, MA, dated 15 Dec 1851 states “In the District court of the United States, on Saturday, Edwin Lovett and Wm. R. Pomeroy, mast and mate of the bark James Smith, found guilty of unusual and cruel punishment”. The article goes on to say that Edwin and William poured a pail of tar upon the head of Smith. They were fined $40 and $20 respectively. Who is this William? We have a William R Pomeroy, b. abt 1819 in ME who was a mariner and lived in Hancock, ME. He married a Lydia A. (last name unknown), and was found in the 1860 US Federal Census of Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY, occupied as a captain and boatman and living with his wife and son Andrew in the Anderson and Dora Ketcham household. According to the 1870 US Federal Census, William and family were living in San Francisco, CA. William’s occupation was listed as mariner. William’s parents were John Pomeroy b. abt 1790 in ME, who died before 1860, and Rachel G (last name unknown) b. abt 1795 in ME and d. 10 Oct 1865 in Hancock, ME. We are trying to determine who John descends from.
In reviewing The Ohio Repository, a newspaper published in Canton, OH for the Mary Ann Coe Project, Nancy came across a notice of the marriage of Mary Pumroy to Philip Snider on the 29th of March, 1827. Both were identified as being from Lawrence Township (in Stark Co., OH). Also in The Ohio Repository on 24 May 1827 was the announcement of a public sale on 7 July 1827 of the estate of Francis Pumroy, deceased, which included 65 acres of unimproved land. The administrator of this estate was John Taylor. A Sheriff’s Sale announcement published in The Ohio Repository on 26 Jul 1827 listed objects for sale at the Widow Pumroy’s home in Lawrence Township on 15 Aug 1827, including one ox wagon, two cows and a calf, one windmill, ten hogs, one bureau, 1 two year old colt, two yoke of oxen, 5 two year old cattle and one grubbing hoe, “executed as the property of James Pumroy”. Francis Pomeroy, b. ca 1772 in Westmoreland Co., PA, was the son of John and Hannah (Graham) Pomeroy. He married Margaret Moorehead “ca 1798” according to the book “History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family and Collateral Lines, England – Ireland – America...” written and published by William McL and J. Nevin Pomeroy (1958, Cuneo Eastern Press, Inc.) James was a son of Francis and Margaret, and Mary was a daughter.
Mary Ann Hagen, our West Coast partner on the book project, has been researching Pomeroys in Hawaii. Her latest avenue of exploration revolves around the missionary family of Reverend Hiram Bingham and Sybil Moseley. Sybil (1792-1848) was the daughter of Lt. Pliny and Sophia (Pomeroy) Moseley (Daniel, Daniel, Ebenezer Medad, Eltweed). Rev. Hiram Bingham and Sybil Moseley married 19 Oct 1819, probably in MA as Sybil’s widowed mother Sophia was living in Westfield. The newly married couple soon afterward removed to the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii), where Rev. Bingham was one of the early missionaries to the Hawaiian natives. According to A.A. Pomeroy, their first child, Sophia Moseley Bingham, was born in Honolulu 9 Nov 1820, and we believe that the couple’s additional 6 children were also born in Hawaii. Mary Ann had found a book in her local library genealogy department entitled “Descendants of New England Protestant missionaries to the Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) 1820-1900”, by Mrs. Robert G. Rigler and Mrs. Glenn R. Greenwood, of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society, Library. (Hawaii, self published, 1984).
This brought to mind Brainard T. Munn, another Pomeroy descendant connected to the Hawaiian missionary movement, who happens to be one of our favorite Pomeroys.
Brainard T. Munn, known as “The Hermit Poet of Skaneateles”, or “The Hermit Author of Skaneateles, was born of missionary parents Rev. Bethuel Munn and Lovisa Clark in January 1838 in what is now Hawaii (then the Sandwich Islands). His mother Lovisa was the daughter of Deacon Eli and Anna (Pomeroy) Clark (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed). Lovisa was born in July 1810, probably in Skaneateles (then Marcellus), NY, and died 25 Aug 1841 in the Sandwich Islands, leaving two young children, Brainard, 3, and Morrison Clark Munn about 18 months old. Rev. Bethuel Munn returned to Clyde, NY with his sons, by 1843. Bethuel married Harriet (Judson)Bacon in Elbridge, NY that same year and the family lived in Clyde. The couple had twins on 3 Mar 1844, one son, Judson B. Munn, survived to adulthood. On 23 Jun 1846 Morrison Clark Munn died in Clyde, NY. Bethuel died before 1850, probably also in Clyde.
Harriet Munn, Bethuel’s widow, moved back to Elbridge, where according to the 1850 Census, she lived with her son Judson and stepson Brainard. By 1860 Brainard had moved to Skaneateles where his mother was born and her family still lived, and for a time was involved in a utopian community there. He fell in love with one of the women who worked as a housekeeper for the owner of the farm, but unfortunately she didn’t feel the same way about him. He left the farm and built a little hut in the woods of Skaneateles and in 1871 wrote a book entitled “Love on a Wing” based on his experience at the farm. Although he called his book a novel and changed the names of the characters, everyone in town knew who the book was written about. The book sold fairly well (at least in Skaneateles) even though it got panned by a reviewer for the New York Times. He wrote another book, “La Petit Belle” in 1877, which didn’t sell well at all.
Brainard was living in Syracuse, N.Y. by 1888. According to an interview he worked as a carpenter. He was arrested for vagrancy in 1899. After serving his sentence he was sent to the County Poor House where he may have been living when he applied for a Civil War invalid pension on 1 Dec 1900. He drowned in a small pond on the property of the Poor House in April 1916. His death was ruled a suicide by the County Coroner. His demise made all the local papers, and the County advertised for living relations to claim his body, but none did, and his body was given to the local medical school.
Nancy communicated via Facebook with Annie Pomeroy. She asked if we knew why James Pomeroy McGuire was buried in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1959. According to the California Birth Index, 1905-1995 on, a James Pomeroy McGuire was born 28 Nov 1931 in San Francisco County, his mother’s maiden name was listed as Pomeroy. A Kathleen McQuire was also listed in this database, b. 15 Apr 1926 in San Francisco County. Her mother’s maiden name was also Pomeroy. We found a Kathleen McGuire, daughter of Percy J. and Virginia P. McGuire, age 3, born in CA in the 1930 US Federal Census in San Francisco, CA. Also in the household was Campbell Pomeroy, identified as “Father-in-Law”. We believe that James Pomeroy McGuire was also the son of Percy J. and Virginia (Pomeroy) McGuire. Campbell Pomeroy immigrated to the US in 1888 according to the 1930 US Federal Census. Nancy checked for obituaries for James in online San Francisco papers of that time, but has found nothing to date. There were a lot of hits on “James McGuire” in the papers searched, but none that could be conclusively identified as James Pomeroy McGuire. If anyone is familiar with this family, please contact us!
Judy reviewed and has been entering a genealogy of the Pomeroy family published in two volumes of the New England Historical and Genealogical Record in April and July of 1903. This genealogy was compiled by William Woodbridge Rodman (1817-1900) who married first Jerusha Pomeroy (Benjamin, Elihu, Benjamin, Joseph, Medad, Eltweed). William married second Jerusha’s sister, Ann Grosvenor Pomeroy. William was chairman of the Pomeroy Family Association prior to his death. According to the Journal, he had collected a great amount of material which was passed on to Mrs. Henry Thorp Beckley who was the assistant secretary of the association. Judy has also been entering miscellaneous exact-match records and exact-match 1861 Canadian Census records.
Alena continued to enter the book “History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family and Collateral Lines, England – Ireland – America...” written and published by William McL and J. Nevin Pomeroy (1958, Cuneo Eastern Press, Inc.) into our George Pomeroy database.
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Alena assisted Nancy in building a model of the block on which the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY now stands. We built the Church, Manse and neighboring brick house at 70 Broad Street, along with identifying several trees that line the street, the memorial garden and the signage on the corner of Queen St and Broad St. We also built a very small (1 inch) model of a Pomeroy Anvil monument that could be placed in the different suggested locations for the monument. This model enabled us to get a bird’s eye view of the visibility of the monument from different vantage points up and down both Broad St and Queen St.
Nancy brought the model to the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY on Saturday and attended one day of the Church’s two day 200th Anniversary Celebration. The Saturday service commemorated several long time members of the Church, the choir and their current organist. Three alumni of the Church who later became pastors attended the service and two of these pastors gave sermons. A lovely luncheon was held where Nancy had the opportunity to meet several Church members. Although the day started out windy and rainy, the sun came out around noon and filled the Church with the most beautiful light.
Rick continued to chase down the Van Wickle survey of early Lyons, NY. We are trying to determine where Rev. Francis Pomeroy’s property stood in relation to the current location of the First Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church property was listed as Village lot 1 of Van Wickle’s survey, while Francis’ property was listed as being on Village lot 2. Rick found the map on a roll of microfilm containing Pulteney Estate records at the Spencerport, NY library on Friday. Village lot 2 is directly behind Village lot 1 according to Van Wickle’s survey map! So, Francis lived next door to where the current Church stands!
Mark DeCracker, a member of the Church and President of the Lyons Chamber of Commerce showed Nancy some photos he had taken in a church in Lockport, NY (Presbyterian?). A stained glass window has the name “Pomroy” on it. We believe this relates to the Jabez B and Daniel Pomeroy families who settled around Lockport. Jabez and Daniel were half brothers, and sons of John Pomeroy (John, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed). Daniel (1788-1867) had a walnut farm and Jabez ( 1794-1878) owned a farm and carding mill in Lockport. Both were buried in the Pomeroy Cemetery.
Rob L, a resident of Lockport, NY contacted Mary Ann Hagen regarding this same family. Daniel Alvord and Jabez Pomeroy were identified as executors of the estate of Elisha Alvord, the former owner of property that Rob now owns . He also told us that the Niagara County Historical Society meets in a one-room schoolhouse known as the Pomeroy Schoolhouse. Perhaps this would be an appropriate site for a Pomeroy Anvil monument!
The Pomeroy Collection
Nancy accessioned new magazines and journals, including the Journal of the New York State Archives, Fall 2009 edition, which contained articles on Revolutionary spies, the St. Lawrence Seaway, and the Civil War Prison in Elmira, NY. An article by Meldon J. Wolfgang III explored the digitized instruction manuals for the NY State 1855, 1865 and 1875 Census available on the NYS Archives website at (click on “Search Digital Collections” and type “census instructions” in the search box.) If you’ve had the opportunity to view these NY State census records, we highly recommend you read these pamphlets, they’re very informative! Nancy also accessioned the latest issue of Internet Genealogy. Articles in this issue include “Indian Census Records and Name Rolls”, “Understanding County Boundaries Through Time” and “Don’t Ignore Historic Religious Records”.
Nancy also received her first issue of the Association of Professional Genealogists “APG Journal”, of which the title article was about blogging! Nice to know we’re on the right track!
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Bill’s third great-grandmother, Mary Ann Coe (1790-1852) married perhaps three times, left her first husband Spencer Pomeroy (Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), and settled as an independent woman in the frontier town of Norwalk, OH. A fortunate presidential connection has resulted in the preservation of hundreds of family letters, giving some insight but leading to more questions about this strong willed woman who refused to slip quietly into forgotten history.
Nancy, Pat, Rick and Barb attended the Mary Ann Coe Project Meeting and discussed Benjamin Junkins’ probate file. Interesting inconsistencies include the fact that his estate was not inventoried until a full 6 months after his death, and the fact that his estate consisted mainly of clothing, a watch, a cow and a calf. It seemed odd to us, knowing that Benjamin was a cabinetmaker, that no tools and only one piece of furniture, that being a bedstead, were listed among his possessions. There were no household items listed other than a keg and two trunks. Where was Benjamin living when he died? Was he residing as husband and wife with Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy? She is listed as his wife in two deeds in which he sells his property on lot 26 in Norwalk, OH prior to his death. Also listed in the probate papers are several notes due to Benjamin that somehow “made their way into the hands of Adam Junkins” who refused to release them. Adam was Benjamin Junkins’ brother. Why was he holding these notes, and how did he get them in the first place? We have written to Henry Timman, a first rate researcher in Norwalk, OH who is a member of the Firelands Historical Society and worked in the County Courthouse prior to retirement. He has also written local history articles for the Norwalk newspaper and has published these in a four volume set. If you’re doing research in Norwalk, OH we highly recommend Henry. We’ve asked Henry to look through the Court of Common Pleas records to see if there is any further mention of the administration of Benjamin Junkins’ estate.
Nancy wrote up the Mary Ann Coe Project Meeting notes and added them to our blog. Nancy also started to review The Ohio Repository, a Canton, OH newspaper for the years 1827 through 1831. A Benjamin Junkin was listed as having a letter remaining in the Post-Office in Canton on 1 Jul 1828. Benjamin had advertised his house and cabinetmaker’s shop as being for sale in Norwalk, OH in the Norwalk Reporter 5 Oct 1827. Was he planning on moving? Was he considering relocating to Canton, OH? The Ohio Repository is available online through but Nancy has noticed that several of the pages were filmed horizontally, not vertically, so that any OCR (Optical Character Recognition – which allows word searching on these documents) would not recognize any words or characters on these pages. Nancy is hoping that there are additional references to Benjamin Junkins in Canton, OH which may give us further insight into Benjamin and Mary Ann’s life.
We are still anxiously awaiting the Edward Pettit probate file ordered from the Huron County Courthouse a few months ago. Judy just heard that they will be processing her report within the next week, which is great news. Edward Pettit sold part of inlot 6 to Mary Ann Pomeroy on 6 Jul 1825, according to a deed filed at the Huron County Courthouse. Mary Ann later bought the remaining portion of inlot 6 from the estate of Edward Pettit on 28 Jul 1826, also according to a deed files at the Huron County Courthouse. Of puzzlement to us is the fact that the estate of Edward Pettit continued to pay taxes on inlot 6 through 1832. If Mary Ann owned this property, why isn’t she paying taxes on it? We have not found a mortgage between Edward Pettit and Mary Ann Pomeroy to indicate that she was paying for the property over time. We are hoping that Edward Pettit’s probate records will clear this up.
Rick continued his research into inlot 6 in Norwalk, contacting the current owner regarding a possible abstract showing past owners of the property. Rick researched divorce laws in Ohio for the period 1824-1826 and found a website that listed journals of the completed Legislative years. Rick made a contact at the Supreme Court of Ohio Law Library to see if there was any record of a divorce being granted to Mary Ann Pomeroy from Spencer Pomeroy.
Rick also contacted the Mount Vernon Masonic Lodge #64 in Norwalk, OH to enquire about Benjamin Junkins. According to an announcement in the Norwalk Reporter dated 22 Dec 1827, it was “Resolved unanimously. That Benjamin Junkins, be and is hereby expelled from all Masonic communication. By order of the Lodge.” Why was Benjamin expelled?
Pat completed entering the Samuel Daniel Coe line from the book “Robert Coe, Puritan” by J. Gardner Bartlett (Boston, self published, 1911) into the Eltweed database. Pat also entered a book excerpt from Sergeant Hamlin Alexander Coe’s Civil War combat diaries entitled “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, edited and published by David Coe in 1975. Hamlin Alexander Coe was the son of Samuel Daniel Coe. This Coe family married into the Deyo family.
Pat also transcribed the Benjamin Junkins estate papers and letters of administration and added additional information to the Eltweed database. Pat has been researching John G. Taylor, the co-administrator of Benjamin Junkins’ estate, to see if we can find any relationship between Taylor and Junkins. Pat found a newspaper ad for John G. Taylor’s boot and shoemaking business. She also found an excerpt from the Firelands Pioneer that identified John G. Taylor as the third mayor of Norwalk in 1832. She also found a marriage announcement in the Huron Reflector but it was partially cut off when filmed by
We have added 194 people, 44 sources and 1088 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mary Ann Coe Project Meeting 10/6/2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Junkins
This week we reviewed Benjamin Junkins’ estate papers. Benjamin Junkins (abt 1795-1830) was a cabinet maker who settled in Norwalk, Huron Co., OH sometime between 14 May 1823 (when he sold property in Cadiz, Harrison Co., OH to his brother, Adam) and 15 Sep 1823 (when he purchased the front half of lot 26 in Norwalk, OH from Daniel and Nancy Tilden).
Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy was in Norwalk by August 1823 when she petitioned the Huron County Court for a divorce from Spencer Pomeroy as noted in the fall term of the court. On 16 Aug 1824 that petition was discontinued. On 6 Jul 1825 Mary Ann was deeded property on inlot 6 in Norwalk from Edward Pettit in consideration of $120. The exact terms of this agreement and a future deed to additional property on inlot 6 by the heirs of Edward Pettit for $75 on 28 Jul 1826 are not clear to us. Although two deeds were recorded, our research indicates that the Estate of Edward Pettit was still paying taxes on inlot 6 through 1832. We have ordered a copy of Edward Pettit’s administration papers in hopes that they will clarify the terms of the purchase of this property.
Mary Ann again petitioned the Huron County Court for a divorce from Spencer Pomeroy on 1 Mar 1826. This time her petition was dismissed by the court on 9 Aug 1827 for lack of jurisdiction (perhaps because Spencer Pomeroy lived in New York).
On 27 Oct 1827 Benjamin Junkins put a notice in the Norwalk Reporter announcing the sale of his two-story house, cabinet maker’s shop and lot on Main St, west of the Courthouse. He also asked that anyone indebted to him “please call and adjust their accounts.” On 3 Dec 1827 Benjamin Junkins was expelled from the Mount Vernon Masonic Lodge Number 64 in Norwalk.
On 12 May 1828 Benjamin Junkins and wife Mary Ann deeded part of the front half of lot 26 (including Benjamin’s shop) to John V. Sharp for $175. John V. Sharp deeded that land to Benjamin for $150, as collateral on a mortgage given by Benjamin on that property dated 12 May 1828. That mortgage was endorsed as paid and recorded in the Huron County Deed book by W. Todd, Recorder 27 Dec 1842.
On 20 Mar 1829 Benjamin Junkins and wife Mary Ann deeded part of the front half of lot 26 (excluding the shop owned by John V. Sharp) to John Miller for $425. John Miller deeded that land to Benjamin for $425 as collateral on a mortgage given by Benjamin on that property dated 20 Mar 1829. That mortgage was endorsed as paid and recorded in the Huron County Deed book by W. Todd, Recorder on 6 Feb 1843.
Benjamin Junkins was enumerated as head of household in the US Federal Census of Norwalk, OH. In the household were 1 male of twenty and under 30, 1 male of thirty and under forty (believed to be Benjamin), and one female of forty and under fifty (believed to be Mary Ann). Benjamin Junkins died 23 Jun 1830 in Norwalk, aged 35, according to the Huron Weekly Reflector, dated 29 Jun 1830, “after a short, but severe illness”.
On 26 Oct 1830 Mary Ann Junkins and John G. Taylor were appointed administrators of Benjamin Junkins estate according to the Common Pleas Court Journal, Vol 3, Huron Co., OH. Daniel G. Raitt and Samuel Preston acted as sureties for the sum of $800 required by the court to appoint the above administrators. Hallet Gallup, Leverett Bradley and Frederick Forsythe were appointed appraisers of the personal property of Benjamin’s estate.
The below is transcribed from the estate papers of Benjamin Junkins, Common Pleas Court Journal Vol 3, 1824-1831.
“Inventory & appraisement of property belonging to the Estate of Ben-
jamin Junkins, Dec’d, late of Norwalk, Huron County Ohio, made
this 11th day of December, A. D. 1830.
viz. 1 Camblet Cloak $12.00
1 Frock Coat Broad Cloth 8.00
1 pr. Pantaloons do do 2.50
1 Vest do do 2.00
4 Factory Shirts .50
1 pr. Linen Pantaloons 1.00
3 pr. Old Pantaloons .38
6 Old Cravats .25
3 Old Vests .38
1 “ Coat .75
1 pr. Satinett Pantaloons .50
1 Bandanna Handkerchief .06
3 pr. Socks .75
1 pr. Old English Razors 1.75
1 Latherbox & Strap .12
1 pr. Suspenders .06
1 Hat .50
1 Trunk 1.00
1 Watch 10.50
1 pr. Boots 1.00
1 [box] 1.00
1 Looking Glass .12
1 Milch Cow 9.50
1 Calf 2.50
1 Tea Kettle .87
1 Improved Dictionary .50
1 Pocket Book .25
1 Keg .50
1 Old Trunk .25
1 [?] Bedsted 2.00
Leverett Bradley
F. Forsythe
H. Gallup
The above research begs the following questions:
1. Was Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy Junkins the legal wife of Benjamin Junkins? If so, when, and where, did they marry? It does not appear that Mary Ann was successful in her petitions for divorce from Spencer Pomeroy.
2. If Benjamin and Mary Ann sold Benjamin’s property on lot 26, were they living on Mary Ann’s property on inlot 6 prior to Benjamin’s death?
3. If Mary Ann was the legal wife of Benjamin Junkins wouldn’t her property (inlot 6 and the possible contents of her home) be inventoried in the appraisal of Benjamin’s property in his Estate filing?
We will be taking the following steps to try to answer the above questions:
1. Nancy will contact Henry Timman, a genealogical researcher in Norwalk, OH, with a list of research requests, including asking whether additional estate papers exist in later Common Pleas books that may show the dissemination of the estate.
2. Nancy will review the two volume “Statutes of Ohio and the Northwestern Territory”, edited by Salmon P. Chase (Cincinnati, Corey & Fairbank, 1833 and 1834) for laws regarding deeds, marriages, mortgages, courts of probate, taxes on land and wills for clarification on the questions posed above.
3. Rick will review 1833 tax records for Norwalk, OH when the microfilm comes in to our local Family History Center, and will contact the current owner of inlot 6 in Norwalk to see if his abstract contains further information regarding the early owners of this property. Rick will also contact the Ohio Court system to see if early divorces might have been filed beyond the county level.
4. Pat will make corrections to the original transcription of Benjamin Junkins’ estate papers.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
APHGA Weekly Report 10/5/2009
The Great A. A. Pomeroy Book Update Project
Barb finished matching Pomeroys and variant spellings in the New Orleans LA Birth Records Index 1790 – 1899 on She also matched Pomeroys and variant spellings in the New Orleans, LA Death Index, 1804-1949, the Nevada Divorce Index 1968-2005, the Nebraska Marriages 1856-1898 records on against our various databases.
Betty entered matched ME Death Index records and SSDI records and related census records into our several Pomeroy databases, and filed those records.
Barb continued her review of the New York State Library Online Newspaper Index. She found several interesting articles including a charge of forgery against George Q(uartus) Pomeroy (George, Quartus, Seth, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), and a name change “Frederick Curtis Squires [of Franklin County] may take the name as Samuel Pomeroy Montague”, from the Legislative Acts of 1843. There is a Moses Montague listed in “The History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family”, by Albert A. Pomeroy (1912, Salem) who married Mary (Polly) Pomeroy (Benjamin, Josiah, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) 2 Oct 1820. This was Moses’ second marriage, and according to A.A. Pomeroy, Mary’s first, although she was 33 years old. Both Moses and Mary lived and died in Sunderland, Franklin Co., MA. Was Frederick Curtis Squires a child of Mary’s from a first marriage, or perhaps he was a grandchild? Or was Frederick unrelated and adopted by the Montagues?
Rick searched the University of Virginia website’s digital collection of George Washington papers for Pomeroys. He found and extracted copies pertaining to Seth Pomeroy and Ralph Pomeroy and a mention of a “Mr. Pomeroy’s Inn” in Cambridge (MA or NY?) as being used for Court Marshalls. Rick also found a reference to land being set aside for Canadian and Nova Scotia refugee which he passed on to Lee.
Alena continued to enter the book “History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family and Collateral Lines England-Ireland-America comprising the Ancestors and Descendants of George Pomeroy of Pennsylvania”, by William McL. and J. Nevin Pomeroy (Cuneo Eastern Press, 1958) into the George Pomeroy database.
Lee and Ed continued to research Canadian/Maine Pomeroys. Lee was able to identify a ‘dangling’ Pomeroy (Abner and family) as a son of George A. Pomeroy, son of Silas and a descendant of Eltweed. Ed continued to trace a Maine Pomeroy family that moved to Illinois and Wisconsin, in specific Rufus and Francis (Frank) Pomeroy. They were both granite cutters in Amberg, WI and raised families there. Each married twice. Frank’s wife was from Canada and his two eldest children were born in Canada. The children of these two men moved out west to become miners in Colorado and Arizona. One of the sons moved on into Oregon. Ed has been entering the research he has done into the Unlinked Pomeroy database. Rufus and Francis, among others, were the sons of Francis Grant and Jerushia B. (Lunt) Pomeroy. Francis was the son of William and Nancy (Grant) Pomeroy. William was an early settler of Long Island Plantation. For more on this family see the book “Hauling by Hand” by Dean Lawrence Lunt (Islandport Press, Inc., 1999, Frenchboro, ME).
Judy and Nancy continued to data-enter miscellaneous records into the various Pomeroy databases. Nancy concentrated on the George A. Pomeroy family (Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed), and in particular, Abner, oldest son of George. We had not previously known whether Abner was a descendant of Eltweed, but Lee’s research of these families in Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada, helped us prove that he was a son of George. We have not taken the Abner family out of the Unlinked Pomeroy database and moved him to the Eltweed database!
Judy continued to check the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) for Pomeroys and Coes, in preparation for her planned visit to the Fort Wayne Library.
Nancy spent a significant amount of time last week creating the APHGA blog site and adding two posts. Hopefully, once Nancy gets used to the new format for the weekly report this will take less time! Nancy also communicated with new APHGA members including Don Plefka, an Eltweed descendant through the marriage of Samuel Clap(p) and Mary Pomeroy (Joshua, Joshua, Eltweed). Don’s story is quite remarkable, check out his website at .
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Work continued on the Pomeroy Anvil Monument for Lyons, NY, which will be dedicated to Rev. Francis Pomeroy (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed). Bill and Nancy spent time fine tuning an agreement with the First Presbyterian Church and Nancy worked with Jim Gibbons and the Karl Lutz Monument Company, Inc. on details such as placement of the monument, construction of the foundation and setting of the monument. The First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY is celebrating their 200th anniversary this coming weekend, October 10th and 11th, 2009. Saturday plans include a celebration and worship in the sanctuary along with a brunch in the Fellowship Hall, past members will be honored. Events on Saturday should run between 10:00 am through 2:30pm. An additional dinner reunion was in the planning stages when Nancy visited the Church, so if you’re interested in this, please contact the Church at 315-946-4723. Nancy plans to attend the Saturday celebration. Sunday plans include worship at 10am followed by a lunch at 12:30.
Rick continued his search of the survey of Evert Van Wickle (mentioned in Francis Pomeroy’s deed). He checked Ontario County Records and Archives and the Allegany County historians, with no luck. The record may be held in the Pulteney Collection in Bath, N.Y. He contacted the town of Angelica as Van Wickle also laid out this town, but no survey maps were found. He has left messages with the NYS Archives, the Steuben County Library and the Corning, N.Y. library.
The Pomeroy Collection
New to the collection this week are two journals, “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 163, July 2009”, published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and the “National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 97, No. J, June 2009”, published by the National Genealogical Society. Also interesting is the addition of a Pomroy & Hall clay beer bottle, ca 1850s purchased by Bill off of e-Bay. The bottle was made for (or by) Simeon Pomeroy (Simeon, Simeon, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) of Springfield, MA. He was in business with Ransley Hall. The 1850 US Federal Census of Springfield, MA lists Simeon as a “brewer”. The clay bottle appears to be salt glazed, has no markings except “Pomroy & Hall” stamped on what may be the front of the bottle. The lip of the bottle is chipped and cracked.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Bill’s third great-grandmother, Mary Ann Coe (1790-1852) married perhaps three times, left her first husband Spencer Pomeroy (Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), and settled as an independent woman in the frontier town of Norwalk, OH. A fortunate presidential connection has resulted in the preservation of hundreds of family letters, giving some insight but leading to more questions about this strong willed woman who refused to slip quietly into forgotten history.
Rick reviewed the grantor-grantee indexes for Lewis County, NY that had been ordered through the Family History Center for Pomeroy land transactions. These transactions include 2 for Pliny Pomeroy (1786-1857), (Pliny, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), one dated January 2, 1820 for property purchased from Caleb Lyon and one dated March 13, 1829, for property purchased from William Parkes. Pliny’s widow Lavina (1787-1882) purchased property from son Charles A. Pomeroy on August 13, 1866. Other Pomeroys listed include Caleb, Titus, George, Samuel, Ralph M., and Daniel C. The Grantor index shows Pliny selling property to Charles A. Mann on March 28, 1829. Charles Addison Mann was a brother of Levina (Mann) Pomeroy, wife of Pliny Pomeroy. Other Pomeroys listed include Titus, Caleb, Simeon, Samuel, Ralph, Levina and Charles A, and Jane, Margaret B, Almira J., George A., and John B., heirs of George Pomeroy to Henry and Joseph A. Bridgeman, on February 2, 1857. George Pomeroy (1793-1849) was the brother of Pliny Pomeroy. He married Jane Brouwer (abt 1802-1867) and the couple had 6 children that we know of: Margaret Brouwer (abt 1823-1883), Almira Jane (abt 1824-1922), George A. Pomeroy (abt 1826–1861), Mary E. Pomeroy (abt 1831–1852), John B. Pomeroy, (1834-between 1910 and 1920), and Ann M. Pomeroy (abt 1836-1851). What’s interesting about this find is that we did not know that George and his family lived in Lewis County, NY. We have found burial records for George, Jane and all their children except for John B., in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. Apparently John B. was the only child to marry, and we have found him and his family in census records in Rockland County, NY.
Judy researched Allegan Co., MI marriage records on the Family Search website ( for Pomeroys. She copied and entered them into our genealogy databases. Most of the marriages were Pliny, Pliny, Pliny’s grandchildren. She also transcribed Pomeroys and Coes in the 1878 Gazette Directory of Kalamazoo County, MI.
Rick checked Huron County, OH grantor index on microfilm under “Sherriff” – 5 pages found, but no lot numbers or property size listed, and dates were cut off when the book was filmed, so it was impossible to identify whether inlot 6 in Norwalk, OH was sold at a Sheriff’s sale, based on these records.
Rick reviewed Monroe Co., NY newspapers available at for letters remaining at the Post Office and any Genesee County, NY, news. He extracted several Pomeroys and a Simeon M. Coe. He also printed articles that refer to the “Poor Law” proposed in 1819 regarding the elimination of incarceration as punishment for this condition. (Spencer Pomeroy’s insolvency papers give a vague reference to that fact that he may have been incarcerated, but we have not found any jail records to prove this.)
Lee reviewed the Jerome Ledgers at the Onondaga Historical Society. These ledgers range from the 1830s to 1840s with a few earlier entries, and contain entries from LeRoy, Genesee Co., NY where the family had an inn. Henry Coe shows up as a regular. She also viewed the assortment of small survey maps included under the towns of Skaneateles, Elbridge, Marcellus and Brutus for Pomeroys and Coes of interest. No immediate connection was made, but she noted that some surveys were for roads and mills, and that if landowners had land “in the way” of, or contiguous to that surveyed property that a name might show up on these surveys. For example, on a road survey through Skaneateles a listing of properties along that road were named; one being E.B. Coe Co. Some surveys had very little on them except dimensions.
Pat continued to enter Pomeroy and Coe connections in the Deyo (Deyoe) Family book into the Eltweed database. She researched and entered additional information about Denton Deyo’s Civil War service from the Rutherford B. Hayes Center Civil War Soldiers Database. Denton Deyo enlisted in the 7th Independent Company of Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooters during the Civil War. This company was known as “General Sherman’s bodyguard” and remained near his person until the close of the war. Pat found and entered additional biographical info and his obituary which she found online. She also researched Denton Deyo’s siblings.
Denton Henry Deyo (1827-1911) was the son of Hiram and Rachel W. (Coe) Deyo. He married 1st, Martha Elizabeth Pomeroy (1831-1898) and 2nd, Sarah Lockwood. Martha Elizabeth Pomeroy was the daughter of Truman E and Martha Whiting (Reed) Pomeroy. Truman’s pedigree is Daniel Sterling, Eleazer D., Daniel, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed. Truman’s mother Lucy (Dimock) Pomeroy moved with her children to Manlius, NY by 1817. She had obtained a divorce from Daniel Sterling Pomeroy in Somers, Tolland Co., CT. She was a seamstress who raised her children in Manlius and attended the Trinity Presbyterian Church with Sarah (Allen) Pomeroy, mother of Spencer Pomeroy who married Mary Ann Coe. Denton Deyo’s mother Rachel Coe was the 4th cousin once removed from Mary Ann Coe.
Pat also entered a book excerpt that refers to Elizabeth Pawling marrying Rev. Oscar J. Squires, son of Josiah Squires and Maria Pomeroy.
Nancy received the mother’s application for Harper Austin’s Civil War pension from the National Archives last week. She ordered the option to receive the file as a pdf on CD, which made it easier to read and store. We had ordered this pension because Harper Austin was a neighbor or the Francis W. Pomeroy family in Sandusky, OH. Francis was the son of Spencer and Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy. When Francis’ son Edwin C. Pomeroy died of wounds received at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, GA., his mother, Matilda (Brown) Pomeroy, applied for his pension. Harper Austin’s mother and brother both gave affidavits to support Matilda’s claim of dependence on Edwin’s financial support of the family and Francis’ odd behavior. Primary source documents held by Matthew Burr, a researcher of Co. B., of the 101st Infantry Regiment, Ohio include letters written by Jay Butler that mention Edwin and Harper as members of the “Sandusky boys”. Harper was the son of a doctor and worked in the army hospital and cared for Edwin when his arm was amputated, and he later died of infection. Nancy ordered Harper Austin’s mother’s application for his pension on the faint hope that perhaps Matilda (Brown) Pomeroy or her children may have given affidavits in support of Ann (Harper) Austin’s claim. Unfortunately, no affidavits from the Pomeroy family were given in this claim.
We have added 402 people, 83 sources and 1933 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association
Barb finished matching Pomeroys and variant spellings in the New Orleans LA Birth Records Index 1790 – 1899 on She also matched Pomeroys and variant spellings in the New Orleans, LA Death Index, 1804-1949, the Nevada Divorce Index 1968-2005, the Nebraska Marriages 1856-1898 records on against our various databases.
Betty entered matched ME Death Index records and SSDI records and related census records into our several Pomeroy databases, and filed those records.
Barb continued her review of the New York State Library Online Newspaper Index. She found several interesting articles including a charge of forgery against George Q(uartus) Pomeroy (George, Quartus, Seth, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), and a name change “Frederick Curtis Squires [of Franklin County] may take the name as Samuel Pomeroy Montague”, from the Legislative Acts of 1843. There is a Moses Montague listed in “The History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family”, by Albert A. Pomeroy (1912, Salem) who married Mary (Polly) Pomeroy (Benjamin, Josiah, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed) 2 Oct 1820. This was Moses’ second marriage, and according to A.A. Pomeroy, Mary’s first, although she was 33 years old. Both Moses and Mary lived and died in Sunderland, Franklin Co., MA. Was Frederick Curtis Squires a child of Mary’s from a first marriage, or perhaps he was a grandchild? Or was Frederick unrelated and adopted by the Montagues?
Rick searched the University of Virginia website’s digital collection of George Washington papers for Pomeroys. He found and extracted copies pertaining to Seth Pomeroy and Ralph Pomeroy and a mention of a “Mr. Pomeroy’s Inn” in Cambridge (MA or NY?) as being used for Court Marshalls. Rick also found a reference to land being set aside for Canadian and Nova Scotia refugee which he passed on to Lee.
Alena continued to enter the book “History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family and Collateral Lines England-Ireland-America comprising the Ancestors and Descendants of George Pomeroy of Pennsylvania”, by William McL. and J. Nevin Pomeroy (Cuneo Eastern Press, 1958) into the George Pomeroy database.
Lee and Ed continued to research Canadian/Maine Pomeroys. Lee was able to identify a ‘dangling’ Pomeroy (Abner and family) as a son of George A. Pomeroy, son of Silas and a descendant of Eltweed. Ed continued to trace a Maine Pomeroy family that moved to Illinois and Wisconsin, in specific Rufus and Francis (Frank) Pomeroy. They were both granite cutters in Amberg, WI and raised families there. Each married twice. Frank’s wife was from Canada and his two eldest children were born in Canada. The children of these two men moved out west to become miners in Colorado and Arizona. One of the sons moved on into Oregon. Ed has been entering the research he has done into the Unlinked Pomeroy database. Rufus and Francis, among others, were the sons of Francis Grant and Jerushia B. (Lunt) Pomeroy. Francis was the son of William and Nancy (Grant) Pomeroy. William was an early settler of Long Island Plantation. For more on this family see the book “Hauling by Hand” by Dean Lawrence Lunt (Islandport Press, Inc., 1999, Frenchboro, ME).
Judy and Nancy continued to data-enter miscellaneous records into the various Pomeroy databases. Nancy concentrated on the George A. Pomeroy family (Silas, Abner, Caleb, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed), and in particular, Abner, oldest son of George. We had not previously known whether Abner was a descendant of Eltweed, but Lee’s research of these families in Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada, helped us prove that he was a son of George. We have not taken the Abner family out of the Unlinked Pomeroy database and moved him to the Eltweed database!
Judy continued to check the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) for Pomeroys and Coes, in preparation for her planned visit to the Fort Wayne Library.
Nancy spent a significant amount of time last week creating the APHGA blog site and adding two posts. Hopefully, once Nancy gets used to the new format for the weekly report this will take less time! Nancy also communicated with new APHGA members including Don Plefka, an Eltweed descendant through the marriage of Samuel Clap(p) and Mary Pomeroy (Joshua, Joshua, Eltweed). Don’s story is quite remarkable, check out his website at .
The Pomeroy Anvil Trail
Work continued on the Pomeroy Anvil Monument for Lyons, NY, which will be dedicated to Rev. Francis Pomeroy (Timothy, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed). Bill and Nancy spent time fine tuning an agreement with the First Presbyterian Church and Nancy worked with Jim Gibbons and the Karl Lutz Monument Company, Inc. on details such as placement of the monument, construction of the foundation and setting of the monument. The First Presbyterian Church of Lyons, NY is celebrating their 200th anniversary this coming weekend, October 10th and 11th, 2009. Saturday plans include a celebration and worship in the sanctuary along with a brunch in the Fellowship Hall, past members will be honored. Events on Saturday should run between 10:00 am through 2:30pm. An additional dinner reunion was in the planning stages when Nancy visited the Church, so if you’re interested in this, please contact the Church at 315-946-4723. Nancy plans to attend the Saturday celebration. Sunday plans include worship at 10am followed by a lunch at 12:30.
Rick continued his search of the survey of Evert Van Wickle (mentioned in Francis Pomeroy’s deed). He checked Ontario County Records and Archives and the Allegany County historians, with no luck. The record may be held in the Pulteney Collection in Bath, N.Y. He contacted the town of Angelica as Van Wickle also laid out this town, but no survey maps were found. He has left messages with the NYS Archives, the Steuben County Library and the Corning, N.Y. library.
The Pomeroy Collection
New to the collection this week are two journals, “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 163, July 2009”, published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and the “National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 97, No. J, June 2009”, published by the National Genealogical Society. Also interesting is the addition of a Pomroy & Hall clay beer bottle, ca 1850s purchased by Bill off of e-Bay. The bottle was made for (or by) Simeon Pomeroy (Simeon, Simeon, Samuel, Caleb, Eltweed) of Springfield, MA. He was in business with Ransley Hall. The 1850 US Federal Census of Springfield, MA lists Simeon as a “brewer”. The clay bottle appears to be salt glazed, has no markings except “Pomroy & Hall” stamped on what may be the front of the bottle. The lip of the bottle is chipped and cracked.
The Mary Ann Coe Project
Bill’s third great-grandmother, Mary Ann Coe (1790-1852) married perhaps three times, left her first husband Spencer Pomeroy (Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), and settled as an independent woman in the frontier town of Norwalk, OH. A fortunate presidential connection has resulted in the preservation of hundreds of family letters, giving some insight but leading to more questions about this strong willed woman who refused to slip quietly into forgotten history.
Rick reviewed the grantor-grantee indexes for Lewis County, NY that had been ordered through the Family History Center for Pomeroy land transactions. These transactions include 2 for Pliny Pomeroy (1786-1857), (Pliny, Pliny, Daniel, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), one dated January 2, 1820 for property purchased from Caleb Lyon and one dated March 13, 1829, for property purchased from William Parkes. Pliny’s widow Lavina (1787-1882) purchased property from son Charles A. Pomeroy on August 13, 1866. Other Pomeroys listed include Caleb, Titus, George, Samuel, Ralph M., and Daniel C. The Grantor index shows Pliny selling property to Charles A. Mann on March 28, 1829. Charles Addison Mann was a brother of Levina (Mann) Pomeroy, wife of Pliny Pomeroy. Other Pomeroys listed include Titus, Caleb, Simeon, Samuel, Ralph, Levina and Charles A, and Jane, Margaret B, Almira J., George A., and John B., heirs of George Pomeroy to Henry and Joseph A. Bridgeman, on February 2, 1857. George Pomeroy (1793-1849) was the brother of Pliny Pomeroy. He married Jane Brouwer (abt 1802-1867) and the couple had 6 children that we know of: Margaret Brouwer (abt 1823-1883), Almira Jane (abt 1824-1922), George A. Pomeroy (abt 1826–1861), Mary E. Pomeroy (abt 1831–1852), John B. Pomeroy, (1834-between 1910 and 1920), and Ann M. Pomeroy (abt 1836-1851). What’s interesting about this find is that we did not know that George and his family lived in Lewis County, NY. We have found burial records for George, Jane and all their children except for John B., in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. Apparently John B. was the only child to marry, and we have found him and his family in census records in Rockland County, NY.
Judy researched Allegan Co., MI marriage records on the Family Search website ( for Pomeroys. She copied and entered them into our genealogy databases. Most of the marriages were Pliny, Pliny, Pliny’s grandchildren. She also transcribed Pomeroys and Coes in the 1878 Gazette Directory of Kalamazoo County, MI.
Rick checked Huron County, OH grantor index on microfilm under “Sherriff” – 5 pages found, but no lot numbers or property size listed, and dates were cut off when the book was filmed, so it was impossible to identify whether inlot 6 in Norwalk, OH was sold at a Sheriff’s sale, based on these records.
Rick reviewed Monroe Co., NY newspapers available at for letters remaining at the Post Office and any Genesee County, NY, news. He extracted several Pomeroys and a Simeon M. Coe. He also printed articles that refer to the “Poor Law” proposed in 1819 regarding the elimination of incarceration as punishment for this condition. (Spencer Pomeroy’s insolvency papers give a vague reference to that fact that he may have been incarcerated, but we have not found any jail records to prove this.)
Lee reviewed the Jerome Ledgers at the Onondaga Historical Society. These ledgers range from the 1830s to 1840s with a few earlier entries, and contain entries from LeRoy, Genesee Co., NY where the family had an inn. Henry Coe shows up as a regular. She also viewed the assortment of small survey maps included under the towns of Skaneateles, Elbridge, Marcellus and Brutus for Pomeroys and Coes of interest. No immediate connection was made, but she noted that some surveys were for roads and mills, and that if landowners had land “in the way” of, or contiguous to that surveyed property that a name might show up on these surveys. For example, on a road survey through Skaneateles a listing of properties along that road were named; one being E.B. Coe Co. Some surveys had very little on them except dimensions.
Pat continued to enter Pomeroy and Coe connections in the Deyo (Deyoe) Family book into the Eltweed database. She researched and entered additional information about Denton Deyo’s Civil War service from the Rutherford B. Hayes Center Civil War Soldiers Database. Denton Deyo enlisted in the 7th Independent Company of Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooters during the Civil War. This company was known as “General Sherman’s bodyguard” and remained near his person until the close of the war. Pat found and entered additional biographical info and his obituary which she found online. She also researched Denton Deyo’s siblings.
Denton Henry Deyo (1827-1911) was the son of Hiram and Rachel W. (Coe) Deyo. He married 1st, Martha Elizabeth Pomeroy (1831-1898) and 2nd, Sarah Lockwood. Martha Elizabeth Pomeroy was the daughter of Truman E and Martha Whiting (Reed) Pomeroy. Truman’s pedigree is Daniel Sterling, Eleazer D., Daniel, Noah, Joseph, Eltweed. Truman’s mother Lucy (Dimock) Pomeroy moved with her children to Manlius, NY by 1817. She had obtained a divorce from Daniel Sterling Pomeroy in Somers, Tolland Co., CT. She was a seamstress who raised her children in Manlius and attended the Trinity Presbyterian Church with Sarah (Allen) Pomeroy, mother of Spencer Pomeroy who married Mary Ann Coe. Denton Deyo’s mother Rachel Coe was the 4th cousin once removed from Mary Ann Coe.
Pat also entered a book excerpt that refers to Elizabeth Pawling marrying Rev. Oscar J. Squires, son of Josiah Squires and Maria Pomeroy.
Nancy received the mother’s application for Harper Austin’s Civil War pension from the National Archives last week. She ordered the option to receive the file as a pdf on CD, which made it easier to read and store. We had ordered this pension because Harper Austin was a neighbor or the Francis W. Pomeroy family in Sandusky, OH. Francis was the son of Spencer and Mary Ann (Coe) Pomeroy. When Francis’ son Edwin C. Pomeroy died of wounds received at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, GA., his mother, Matilda (Brown) Pomeroy, applied for his pension. Harper Austin’s mother and brother both gave affidavits to support Matilda’s claim of dependence on Edwin’s financial support of the family and Francis’ odd behavior. Primary source documents held by Matthew Burr, a researcher of Co. B., of the 101st Infantry Regiment, Ohio include letters written by Jay Butler that mention Edwin and Harper as members of the “Sandusky boys”. Harper was the son of a doctor and worked in the army hospital and cared for Edwin when his arm was amputated, and he later died of infection. Nancy ordered Harper Austin’s mother’s application for his pension on the faint hope that perhaps Matilda (Brown) Pomeroy or her children may have given affidavits in support of Ann (Harper) Austin’s claim. Unfortunately, no affidavits from the Pomeroy family were given in this claim.
We have added 402 people, 83 sources and 1933 citations to our genealogy databases over the past week.
© 2009 American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association